[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human rearranged gene for T-cell receptor gamma chain TRGV3-J2

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/30/91)

LOCUS       HUMTRGV3S     598 bp ds-DNA             PRI       30-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human rearranged gene for T-cell receptor gamma chain TRGV3-J2
            previously designated V(b)-J(2)
KEYWORDS    N-region; T-cell receptor; T-cell receptor gamma; joining region;
            variable region.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 598)
  AUTHORS   Lefranc,M.-P., Forster,A. and Rabbitts,T.H.
  TITLE     Rearrangement of two distinct T-cell gamma-chain variable-region
            genes in human DNA
  JOURNAL   Nature 319, 420-422 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     *source: cell line=SUPT1; clone=lambda S12, lambda S1
            Data kindly reviewed (06-JUL-1988) by Lefranc J.-M.
            From EMBL    entry HSTRGV3S;  dated 22-MAR-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <1..51
                     /note="T-cell receptor gamma chain TRGV3-J2 exon 1"
     misc_feature    9..51
                     /note="variable region V3"
     CDS             9..51
                     /note="T-cell gamma chain precursor (51 is 1st base in
     CDS             9..51
                     /note="signal peptide (AA -16 to -3)"
     intron          52..165
     mRNA            166..525
                     /note="T-cell receptor gamma chain TRGV3-J2 exon 2"
     misc_feature    166..470
                     /note="variable region V3"
     CDS             166..525
                     /note="T-cell gamma precursor (166 is 2nd base in codon)
                     (525 is 1 st base in codon)"
     CDS             166..170
                     /note="signal peptide (AA -2 to -1)"
     CDS             171..525
                     /note="mat. T-cell gamma chain (AA 1-118)"
     misc_feature    471..476
                     /note="N region"
     misc_feature    477..525
                     /note="joining region J2"
     intron          526..>598
BASE COUNT      165 a    124 c    150 g    159 t
        1 aggaaggcat gcggtgggcc ctactggtgc ttctagcttt cctgtctcct ggtgagtacg
       61 ctgcctacag agaggctcac aggttgggtt ttgttttgtt ttcttcttga aaggggtgcc
      121 atacaaagga atacctcatt gtattttgtg ttgttcccat tgcagccagt cagaaatctt
      181 ccaacttgga agggagaacg aagtcagtca ccaggcagac tgggtcatct gctgaaatca
      241 cttgcgatct tactgtaaca aataccttct acatccactg gtacctacac caggagggga
      301 aggccccaca gcgtcttctg tactatgacg tctccaccgc aagggatgtg ttggaatcag
      361 gactcagtcc aggaaagtat tatactcata cacccaggag gtggagctgg atattgagac
      421 tgcaaaatct aattgaaaat gattctgggg tctattactg tgccacctgg cggacgaatt
      481 attataagaa actctttggc agtggaacaa cacttgttgt cacaggtaag tatcggaaga
      541 atacaacatt tccaaggtaa tagagggaag gcaggaaatg attaaactgg aataatgt