[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Chicory yellow mottle virus isolate T small satellite RNA.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/30/91)

LOCUS       CHYTSSR       457 bp ss-RNA             VRL       30-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Chicory yellow mottle virus isolate T small satellite RNA.
KEYWORDS    satellite RNA.
SOURCE      Chicory yellow mottle virus isolate T, cDNA to satellite RNA.
  ORGANISM  Unclassified.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 457)
  AUTHORS   Rubino,L., Tousignant,M.E., Steger,G. and Kaper,J.M.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequence and structural analysis of two satellite RNAs
            associated with chicory yellow mottle virus (CYMV)
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. (1991) In press
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
            Gerhard Steger
            Institut fuer Physikalische Biologie
            Universitaetsstr. 1
            D 4000 Duesseldorf 1
            Phone:  0211-3114927
            Email:  RIESNER@DDORUD81.BIONET
            Fax:    0211-342229
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    1..46
                     /note="hammerhead structure"
     misc_feature    449..457
                     /note="hammerhead structure"
BASE COUNT       94 a    118 c    130 g    115 t
        1 gccagacgtg gacccggcct gatgagtccg aaaggacgaa acagtactgc gctaagaggt
       61 gagactactt caatcctctt atgaccttcc ctgctgatgt tacctgggat ttatcctgtg
      121 gtaagggtat aggacggtcc taccatacgt gctccacgag tgtattcctc gtgatgagcg
      181 gtgggggggt cccgttatgg ggtccagccg gcgacgcatt tctatgcaga ccggtgcaaa
      241 ccacacgcgt atggtgccag ataatatacc acacatggtg tgtttccctg gcgcgcttcg
      301 ctgttgtatg tgtaagtcgg gctcagcctc ccgcagctgg gcgacggttc tacttggtac
      361 ccgattttca atttgagagt tgggctacca acggaacttt cgtccgtgcg gtagggtggg
      421 cttgccctga aaacaaccac ctatcaagat tactgtc