[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human papillomavirus type 16 mRNA.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/30/91)

LOCUS       PPH16E       1154 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       30-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human papillomavirus type 16 mRNA.
KEYWORDS    E1-E4 fusion protein; E6 protein; E7 protein; integration.
SOURCE      Human papillomavirus type 16, cDNA to mRNA from keratinocyte line
            SK-v cells, clone 1A.
  ORGANISM  Human papillomavirus
            Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Papovaviridae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1154)
  AUTHORS   Schneider-Maunoury,S., Pehau-Arnaudet,G., Breitburd,F. and Orth,G.
  TITLE     Expression of the human papillomavirus type 16 genome in SK-v
            cells , a line derived from a vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 71, 809-817 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..63
                     /note="E6 protein"
     misc_feature    1..1
                     /note="position 173 of the prototype genome"
     misc_feature    54..54
                     /note="splice donor site at position 226 of the prototype
     misc_feature    55..55
                     /note="splice acceptor site at position 409 of the
                     prototype genome"
     CDS             208..504
                     /note="E7 protein"
     CDS             511..789
                     /note="E1-E4 fusion protein"
     misc_feature    527..527
                     /note="splice donor site at position 880 of the prototype
     misc_feature    528..528
                     /note="splice acceptor site at position 3358 of the
                     prototype genome"
     variation       579..579
                     /note="t in cDNA clone 1A; c in prototype clone at
                     position 3410"
     cellular        802..1154
                     /note="cellular DNA"
     repeat_region   802..1055
                     /note="Alu repeat"
     misc_signal     1142..1147
                     /note="polyadenylation signal"
BASE COUNT      348 a    282 c    245 g    279 t
ORIGIN      331 bp upstream of PvuII site.
        1 catgatataa tattagaatg tgtgtactgc aagcaacagt tactgcgacg tgaggtgtat
       61 taactgtcaa aagccactgt gtcctgaaga aaagcaaaga catctggaca aaaagcaaag
      121 attccataat ataaggggtc ggtggaccgg tcgatgtatg tcttgttgca gatcatcaag
      181 aacacgtaga gaaacccagc tgtaatcatg catggagata cacctacatt gcatgaatat
      241 atgttagatt tgcaaccaga gacaactgat ctctactgtt atgagcaatt aaatgacagc
      301 tcagaggagg aggatgaaat agatggtcca gctggacaag cagaaccgga cagagcccat
      361 tacaatattg taaccttttg ttgcaagtgt gactctacgc ttcggttgtg cgtacaaagc
      421 acacacgtag acattcgtac tttggaagac ctgttaatgg gcacactagg aattgtgtgc
      481 cccatctgtt ctcagaaacc ataatctacc atggctgatc ctgcagcagc aacgaagtat
      541 cctctcctga aattattagg cagcacttgg ccaaccactc cgccgcgacc cataccaaag
      601 ccgtcgcctt gggcaccgaa gaaacacaga cgactatcca gcgaccaaga tcagagccag
      661 acaccggaaa cccctgccac accactaagt tgttgcacag agactcagtg gacagtgctc
      721 caatcctcac tgcatttaac agctcacaca aaggacggat taactgtaat agtaacacta
      781 cacccatagt acatttaaaa ggctggaagc agtggcatta tcacatctca ctgcagccct
      841 gaaatccccg ctcaagccat ccttccacgt cagcctcctg tgtagctggg accacaggtg
      901 tacgccacca caactggtga atttttatat tttttgtaga gatggggatc tctctatgtt
      961 gcccaggctg atcttgaact cctgggctca agagatcctc ccacctcagc ctcccaaagt
     1021 gctgggatta caggtgtgag ccaccacgcc tggcctcctg ctatcattaa ataaagtaga
     1081 aatgatttgt tgctgctaac ttccaaattt ctattagttc atgggagtaa aatttacgca
     1141 gaataaatat attt