[sci.psychology.digest] APA Funding Bulletin

harnad@clarity.Princeton.EDU (Stevan Harnad) (06/02/90)

Date:         Fri, 1 Jun 90 11:50:00 EDT
Sender: APA Research Psychology Network <APASD-L@VTVM2.CC.VT.EDU>

                           FUNDING BULLETIN
  Volume 2, No. 5                                     May 31, 1990
*  The APA Science Directorate Funding Bulletin is designed to alert    *
*  you to research and training funding sources for psychology.         *
*  Each file in the index below contains summaries of recently          *
*  published requests for applications (RFAs), requests for             *
*  proposals (RFPs), or similar documents.  The index is updated        *
*  regularly and distributed each time new announcements are added.     *
*  You may subscribe to the Bulletin by issuing a SUBscribe command     *
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       Index of APA Science Directorate Funding Bulletin Files

  -------- --------   -------- ------------------------------------------
  AFOSR    RESEARCH   05/31/90 USAF Scientific Research Grants
  AMFAR    CHILD      05/31/90 AIDS Scholar Awards
  AMFAR    GRANT      05/31/90 AIDS Related Research Grants
  AMFAR    PAF        05/31/90 Research in Pediatric AIDS
  APA      CONGRESS   05/31/90 Congressional Fellowship Program
  ARP      ANIMAL     05/31/90 Developing & Improving Animal Resources
  NCHGR    GENO       05/31/90 Courses Related to Genomic Analysis
  NCI      PHYSICIA   05/31/90 Assessment of Disseminating Information
  NIA      SOCIAL     05/31/90 Award in Biomedical/Psychosocial Career
  NIDA     BEHAVE     05/31/90 Behavioral Results of Longterm Drug Abuse
  NIDCD    VOICE      05/31/90 Treatment of Voice Disorders
  NIH      ANIMAL     05/31/90 Workshop on the Care of Lab Animals
  NIH      WORKSHOP   05/31/90 Workshop on Protection of Human Subjects
  NIMH     AIDS       05/31/90 Behavioral Strategies to Prevent HIV
  NIMH     DRUG       05/31/90 Linking Drug Abuse to Primary Care
  NIMH     RURAL      05/31/90 Mental Disorders in Rural Populations
  NINDS    SLEEP      05/31/90 Research on Narcolepsy
  NSF      FELLOW     05/31/90 NSF Graduate Fellowships

  AAAS     AWARD      05/01/90 Award in Technology for Scientists
  DIAMOND  FOUND      05/01/90 Aaron Diamond Foundation for Research
  DOE      CENTERS    05/01/90 Dept. of Educ.-Research & Development Ctr.
  MCKIN    HOMELESS   05/01/90 Grants for the Homeless Mentally Ill
  NCI      FELLOW     05/01/90 Cancer Prevention Fellowship
  NIA      WOMEN      05/01/90 Causes of Disability in Older Women
  NIAID    STD        05/01/90 STD's Research Centers
  NICHD    PERINAT    05/01/90 Perinatal Behavioral Development
  NIDA     CONF       05/01/90 Two Conferences on Drugs and Prenatal Care
  NIMH     CONDUCT    05/01/90 Prevention of Serious Conduct Problems
  NIMH     EMERG      05/01/90 Emergency Mental Health Services for Youth
  NIMH     YOUTH      05/01/90 Prevention of Youth Suicide
  ONR      AWARDS     05/01/90 Office of Naval Research Awards
  USWEST   FOUND      05/01/90 Support of Educational Opportunities
  WAF      RESEARCH   05/01/90 World AIDS Foundation/Research & Education

  NIAAA    HEALTH     04/02/90 Alcohol Problems in Health Care Setting
  NIAAA    PHARMATH   04/02/90 Pharmachotherapies for Alcoholism
  PHS      MCH        04/02/90 MCH Special Project Grants

  NIDA     DRAIDS     02/23/90 Drug Abuse Aspects of AIDS
  NIDA     SCHOOL     02/23/90 School-Based Prevention Intervention Res.
  NIDA     PREVENT    02/23/90 Comprehensive Prevention Research
  NIAAA    WORKSITE   02/23/90 Worksite-Related Alcohol Problems
  NIAAA    GRANTS     02/23/90 Alcohol Research Grants
  NIAAA    ELDER      02/23/90 Prevention of Alcohol Abuse in Older Pop.
  NAVY     COGNITI    02/23/90 Broad Agency Announcement: Cognition
  NAVY     PERSONNE   02/23/90 Manpower, Personnel, Training R&D Program
  NIDCD    CENTASTE   02/23/90 Central Taste Pathways & Neurochemistry
  NIDCD    SMALLGRA   02/23/90 Small Grant Program
  NICHD    EATING     02/23/90 Training & Development in Nutrition Res.
  NHLBI    SMALLGRA   02/23/90 Small Grants Program
  NIH      ENHANCE    02/23/90 Academic Research Enhancement Award
  MCDONNEL FOUND      02/23/90 James S. McDonnell Found.-cognitive neuros

  NIDA     AIDS       01/23/90 Aids Community-Based Intervention
  NIDCD    TASTE      01/23/90 Taste System Plasticity
  NIDCD    COGNITIO   01/23/90 Neurological Basis of Cognition
  NCNR     NEONATAL   01/23/90 Neonatal Nursing Care/Low Birthweight Baby
  NIH      HUMAN      01/23/90 NIH Workshops-Protection of Human Subjects
  ADAMHA   SUPPLEM    01/23/90 Supplements for Underrepresented Minoritie
  CIES     FELLOW     01/23/90 1991-92 Advanced Research Fellow.--India
  CIES     FULBRI     01/23/90 1991-92 Fulbright Scholar Awards
  WTGRANT  FOUND      01/23/90 William T. Grant Foundation

  NIHLOAN  REPAY      12/15/89 NIH/AIDS Research Loan Repayment Program
  FOGARTY  FELLOW     12/15/89 Research Fellowship Opportunities Abroad
  NCNR     BIOETHIC   12/15/89 Bioethics & Clinical Decisionmaking
  NCNR     NRSA       12/15/89 National Research Service Awards-Bioethics
  AIRFORCE STRESS     12/15/89 Stress Reduction for Maintenance Personnel
  NSF      EUROPE     12/15/89 European Cooperative Science Program
  NUCLEAR  GRANTS     12/15/89 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  EPA      RESGRAN    12/15/89 EPA-Exploratory Research Grants
  APA      NEURO      12/15/89 Doctoral Traineeships in Neuroscience
  APA      MINORITY   12/15/89 Doctoral Traineeships in Psychology
  SPENCER  FOUND      12/15/89 Spencer Foundation-Early Childhood

  AIDS     BEHAVIOR   11/17/89 Behavioral Strategies to Prevent HIV
  NSF      WOMEN      11/17/89 Research Opportunities for Women
  NIH      VERTEBRA   11/17/89 Reducing Use of Animals in Research

  ADAMHA   CENTERS    11/01/89 Minority Mental Health Research Centers
  ADAMHA   MINORITY   11/01/89 Minority Instit. Research Develop. Prog.
  ADAMHA   ADMINIS    11/01/89 Minority Research Prog. Admin. Supple.
  NIDA     NEUROSC    11/01/89 Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse

  NRSAHIV  INSTITUT   10/19/89 Institutional Research Training in HIV
  NRSAHIV  INDIVID    10/19/89 Individual Research in HIV

  NIDR     TASTE      09/29/89 Effects of Oral Factors on Taste & Smell
  DOE      TOXICO     09/29/89 Dept. of Energy-Postgraduate Research
  DRG      SCHOLAR    09/29/89 Science Scholars Program
  EPA      ENVIRON    09/29/89 Environmental Health & Biology Research
  NSF      EXPLORE    09/29/89 Exploratory Research Small Grants
  NIA      NRSA       09/29/89 Complementary Training Awards/Aging Res.

  NICHD    POPCEN     09/15/89 Population Research Centers
  NIDA     THERAPY    09/15/89 Psychotherapy/Counseling in Drug Abuse

  ONR      FEDOP      09/01/89 Behavioral Science at Office of Naval Res.
  NIDCD    STUTTER    09/01/89 Behavioral Aspects of Stuttering
  NIA      INCONTIN   09/01/89 Urinary Dysfunction in Older Persons

  NIA      SERCA      07/28/89 Awards for Scientists in Behav. Geriatrics

  NIA      RETARDED   06/20/89 The Aging of Retarded Adults

  NIOSH    SERCA      06/02/89 Career Award in Occupational Safety
  NIA      REHAB      06/02/89 Rehab. & Aging-Biomedical & Psychosocial
  AFOSR    SPACE      06/02/89 AFOSR-Spatial Orientation Program
  NIEHS    GRANTS     06/02/89 Environmental Health Sciences Grants

  NIH      GUIDE      05/04/89 NIH Extramural Programs Guide
  NIA      CONTROL    05/04/89 Sense of Control Over the Life Course
  NIDR     ORALMOTO   05/04/89 Normal and Impaired Oral-Motor Function
  NIAAA    MATCHTREE  05/04/89 Matching Clients to Treatments

  CDC      INJURY     04/14/89 Injury Prevention & Control Research
  NHLBI    CHOLEST    04/03/89 Lowering Elevated Lipids by Diet

  NIA      ADCARE     03/14/89 Alzheimer's Disease: Issues in Caregiving
  NIMH     ALCOHOL    03/14/89 Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Disorders
  NIMH     SERVICES   03/14/89 Services for Severely Mentally Ill Persons
  NIAAA    SOCIOECO   03/14/89 Economic & Socioeconomic Issues of Alcohol

  NIMH     HOMELESS   02/15/89 Homeless Severely Mentally Ill-All Ages
  ONR      CHEMOREC   01/26/89 Odorant Recognition & Chemosensory Mechan.
  AIDS     RESEARCH   02/15/89 RFA's & RFP's foor AIDS Research
  NIMH     CHILD      02/15/89 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
  NIMH     SUICIDE    02/15/89 Studies of Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
  NIAAA    HOMELESS   02/15/89 Homeless With Alcohol-Related Problems
  NINDS    QUANTITA   02/15/89 Quantitative Studies of Nervous System
  BIRTH    DEFECTS    02/15/89 March of Dimes Starter Research Grant