(Evan Leibovitch - moderator) (10/29/90)
WELCOME TO REC.ARTS.EROTICA! This news group is intended to be a low-volume, noise-free environment in which to find erotic literature, and pointers of where to find other erotic materials. It is here for the enjoyment of the Usenet community and no other reason. Original submissions, and works either released into the public domain, or copyrighted but without restriction of distribution, are welcome. There aren't many rules here, but there are some. I don't think they're too outlandish, and I'm always open to change if some policy is too restrictive. But your reasons had better be good... If you have a suggestion or problem with the following answers, please write me. Posting to the newsgroup will also, usually work, because most systems' news software recognize rec.arts.erotica as a moderated newsgroup, and will automatically e-mail your letter here. WHAT KIND OF SUBMISSION IS UNACCEPTABLE? a: Material that isn't sexually oriented. This isn't a place for detective stories or philosophical dissertations; b: Copyrighted work that isn't publicly distributable; c: Anything submitted from a temporary, guest, or numbered account, unless there's a name attached to it. See below if you want to submit something anonymously; d: Non-textual material such as binary-encoded graphics. HOW ABOUT "TABOO" SUBJECT MATTER? Most kinds of sexual material is acceptable here. There are only three subjects which will be rejected: d: Non-consenting sex (ie, rape); e: Sex with children younger than high school age; f: Stories intended to deliberately and maliciously embarrass a real person; This is kind of personal, I guess, but I hope these are limits most of you can live with. I have had discussions with a number of people who wanted a group for erotic literature, but thought the above limits were not too restrictive. WHAT IF YOUR SUBMISSION IS REJECTED? The newsgroup hierarchy is un-moderated, and there is no restriction whatsoever on what may be posted there. This is not a matter of censorship. HOW CAN I POST SOMETHING ANONYMOUSLY? In your mailing or submission, state at the top clearly (in the first few lines, separated from the submission itself) that you wish the piece to be distributed anonymously. Your address and organization headers will be replaced with an alias at this site ( Note that even if you want to post something anonymously, you MUST identify yourself in the submission itself. I want both a way to forward response mail to you, and a way to contact you myself if the need arises (and sometimes it does arise). In previous articles which have generated complaints, the anonymity of the author has been preserved. IS THERE A PUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE SITE WHICH ARCHIVES THIS GROUP? As far as I know, a number of sites are archiving rec.arts.erotica. I do not yet know of such archive sites which are accessible by either FTP or UUCP mail-server. If you manage such an archive site, please notify me and I will include it in this posting, which I hope will be updated from time to time with new information of this kind. MY SITE HAS DROPPED REC.ARTS.EROTICA. CAN I GET IT BY E-MAIL? Usenet software (well, at least C-News) allows a relatively easy gateway facility to allow newsgroups to be mailed to individuals who don't receive the group by conventional means. Unfortunately, I personally do not have the time nor resources to provide this service at this time. If there are other sites out there willing to provide a gateway which would e-mail this group to the needy, let me know. With a little luck, I may be able to fill this space in the future with the names of sites willing to provide this feature. THAT'S IT FOR NOW... HAPPY READING! -- Mail rec.arts.erotica submissions to Most software will automatically mail your postings to that address. (Evan Leibovitch - moderator) (03/17/91)
Archive-name: Intro WELCOME TO REC.ARTS.EROTICA! This news group is intended to be a low-volume, noise-free environment in which to find erotic literature, and pointers of where to find other erotic materials. It is here for the enjoyment of the Usenet community and no other reason. Original submissions, and works either released into the public domain, or copyrighted but without restriction of distribution, are welcome. There aren't many rules here, but there are some. I don't think they're too outlandish, and I'm always open to change if some policy is too restrictive. But your reasons had better be good... If you have a suggestion or problem with the following answers, please write me. Posting to the newsgroup will also, usually work, because most systems' news software recognize rec.arts.erotica as a moderated newsgroup, and will automatically e-mail your letter here. WHAT KIND OF SUBMISSION IS UNACCEPTABLE? a: Material that isn't sexually oriented. This isn't a place for detective stories or politics; b: Copyrighted work that isn't publicly distributable; c: Anything submitted from a temporary, guest, or numbered account, unless there's a name attached to it. See below if you want to submit something anonymously; d: Non-textual material such as binary-encoded graphics. HOW ABOUT "TABOO" SUBJECT MATTER? Most kinds of sexual material is acceptable here. There are only two kinds of submissions which will be rejected based on content: e: Non-consenting sex (ie, rape); f: Stories intended to deliberately and maliciously embarrass a real person. WHAT SHOULD I INCLUDE IN MY SUBMISSION? Starting this week, approved postings now carry an "Archive-name:" header (thanks to rick@comspec for that suggestion). This way, those sites who archive r.a.e material can use software which use this header to facilitate storage of multi-part stories. This means that it would make my life slightly easier if you include BOTH a descriptive Subject line, and also a suggestion for a one-word archive name. Please spell check and properly format your submissions. It's preferable to lines shorter than 75 characters wide. Also, please be generous with your paragraph breaks -- it makes your submission much easier to read. WHAT IF MY SUBMISSION IS REJECTED? The newsgroup hierarchy is un-moderated, and there is no restriction whatsoever on what may be posted there. This is not a matter of censorship. HOW CAN I POST SOMETHING ANONYMOUSLY? In your mailing or submission, state at the top clearly (in the first few lines, separated from the submission itself) that you wish the piece to be distributed anonymously. Your address and organization headers will be replaced with an alias at this site ( If you choose, you can request a certain name for an alias. Note that even if you want to post something anonymously, you MUST identify yourself in the submission itself. I want both a way to forward response mail to you, and a way to contact you myself if the need arises (and sometimes it does arise). In previous articles which have generated complaints, the anonymity of the author has been preserved. IS THERE A PUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE SITE WHICH ARCHIVES THIS GROUP? As far as I know, a number of sites are archiving rec.arts.erotica. I do not yet know of such archive sites which are accessible by either FTP or UUCP mail-server. If you manage such an archive site, please notify me and I will include it in this posting, which I hope will be updated from time to time with new information of this kind. MY SITE HAS DROPPED (OR NEVER RECEIVED) REC.ARTS.EROTICA. CAN I GET IT BY E-MAIL? Usenet software (well, at least C-News) allows a relatively easy gateway facility to allow newsgroups to be mailed to individuals who don't receive the group by conventional means. Unfortunately, I personally do not have the time nor resources to provide this service at this time. If there are other sites out there willing to provide a gateway which would e-mail this group to the needy, let me know. THAT'S IT FOR NOW... HAPPY READING (AND POSTING)! -- Mail rec.arts.erotica submissions to Most software will automatically mail your postings to that address.