[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] NQA The Prophet

robelr@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Allen Robel) (07/20/90)

I've had *so* many requests for information about NQA The Prophet, a
product that I mentioned in one of my responses to "RE: strange
behavior involving repeaters" that I thought it would save a bit of
time by posting to the list some information about this product.  I've
seen a demo of the product (on our live network) but have not had
hands-on experience with it and have no incentive from any company or
individual to promote it.

The literature claims that the product can tell you about the
following (this is a direct quote from the documentation):

- Network Bias - bias of the coax cable due to the summation of 
  transceiver bias currents
- Jitter - random distortion of packet timing caused by network defects
- DC Signal Component - the average DC value of a transmitted packet
- AC Signal component - the AC range of a transmitted packet
- Fall Time - a parameter related to e.m. noise radiation of the coax
- Bit rate - the frequency of the transmitted packet.

The dealer that I went through to get product info was:

Innovative Computer Products
6284 Rucker Road
Suite E
Indianapolis, IN  46220

however I'm sure there must be others somewhere.  Its expensive, starting
at around 30K for a basic unit.


Allen Robel                               robelr@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu 
University Computing Services             ROBELR@IUJADE.BITNET 
Network Research & Planning               voice: (812)855-7171
Indiana University                        FAX:   (812)855-8299

dave@ecrc.de (Dave Morton) (08/02/90)

I've had a demo of the NQA as well. In fact we discovered during the demo
a large number (12) of Sun 3/60s whose bit-rate was way outside the spec.
What was fascinating about the NQA was that one could plainly see the twists
and bends in the cable as well. Nice pice of equipment but expensive. I think
it's the sort of thing you might need once in a blue moon, then you can rent it
for a day or two.

Dave Morton,
European Computer Industry Research Centre      Tel. + (49) 89-92699-139
Arabellastr 17, 8000 Munich 81. West Germany.	Fax. + (49) 89-92699-170
E-mail	USA:	dave%ecrc.de@pyramid.com 	EUROPE: dave@ecrc.de