[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] IP accounting data via SNMP - Application wanted !

pte900@jatz.aarnet.edu.au (Peter Elford) (08/31/90)

 Has anyone written an SNMP application to retrieve IP accounting
 data from a cisco, preferably using the CMU SNMP package ?
 If so, I would be very interested in getting a copy (anything to 
 save hacking together some more code :-)
 Peter Elford,                           	e-mail: P.Elford@aarnet.edu.au
 Network Co-ordinator,	 			phone: +61 6 249 3542
 Australian Academic Research Network,		fax: +61 6 247 3425
 c/o, Computer Services Centre,			post: PO Box 4
 Australian National University			      Canberra 2601
 Canberra, AUSTRALIA