[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] In praise of cisco's support.

robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu (Allen Robel) (09/25/90)

Sorry for taking up bandwidth with this but I can't help myself.

The day before yesterday i wrote cisco with a problem that required
the new 8.1(19) ROMs that allowed running from ROM (2 of our routers
were crashing from lack of memory).  The very next morning the ROMs
were sitting on my desk.

Yesterday I wrote them to ask for a swap of an interface card that
was not working (actually it never worked).  Again, this morning
the new card was sitting on my desk.

These are just two examples.  cisco has *consistently* been this
prompt!  In short, I'm awed to say the least.  I know of no other
company that can claim this level of service.  Bravo!

disclaimer:  I don't own any cisco stock and am not connected with 

them at all except that I am a *very* satisfied customer.  (Although
I just might start buying stock, as they seem to be doing just about
everything right!)

Allen Robel                               robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu 

University Computing Services             ROBELR@IUJADE.BITNET 

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