[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] cisco IP accounting

aggarwal@nisc.jvnc.net (Vikas Aggarwal) (11/07/90)

This is regarding the IP accounting feature in cisco r8.xx.

The feature *would* have  been really useful  if the data  collected by the
router could be more "manageable" (sound's SNMPish enough, I guess).

Presently, the router can   be configured  for  a   fixed memory limit  for
accounting- the accounting table  takes up  only  the configured  amount of
memory, etc.

However,  the  entries  in  the accounting table   are *not* sorted  in any
manner, and  the table  is effectively a list  of  the *first* X  number of
hosts who   sent traffic its way.  The  table really  offers very little by
means of *useable* information in a WAN that has a large number of hosts.

I was hoping  that the familiar "access-list"  methodology would be used in
the accounting software too- it would be  nice  to be able to configure the
accounting  for IP addresses   using  access  lists which  determine  which
entries are recorded in  the  accounting table.  That way, I  could account
packets depending on the topology of my  network  and in  a manner that was
more meaningful to  me than  a  mere collection  of host-address pairs  and
packet counts.  Over a period  of time,  I  could  make  the accounting  as
specific as I would want and not have to worry about not  being able to get
info on a host because the host  couldn't make it first  into a slot in the
accounting table.

The "I" used above might seem self-centered  but it was just easier wording
it that way  than  try  and make  the  whole   thing RFCedly abstract   and

Comments ??

vikas@nisc.jvnc.net					(609) 258-2403
Network Engineering
			JvNCnet, Princeton, NJ

pte900@jatz.aarnet.edu.au (Peter Elford) (11/07/90)

>From: aggarwal@nisc.jvnc.net (Vikas Aggarwal)
>This is regarding the IP accounting feature in cisco r8.xx.
... stuff deleted ...
>However,  the  entries  in  the accounting table   are *not* sorted  in any
>manner, and  the table  is effectively a list  of  the *first* X  number of
>hosts who   sent traffic its way.  The  table really  offers very little by
>means of *useable* information in a WAN that has a large number of hosts.

Not quite true. If you retrieve the table via SNMP, you get it back ordered
by source IP address.

>I was hoping  that the familiar "access-list"  methodology would be used in
>the accounting software too- it would be  nice  to be able to configure the
>accounting  for IP addresses   using  access  lists which  determine  which
>entries are recorded in  the  accounting table.  That way, I  could account
>packets depending on the topology of my  network  and in  a manner that was
>more meaningful to  me than  a  mere collection  of host-address pairs  and
>packet counts.  Over a period  of time,  I  could  make  the accounting  as
>specific as I would want and not have to worry about not  being able to get
>info on a host because the host  couldn't make it first  into a slot in the
>accounting table.

This would be *EXTREMELY* useful. I find that just watching at our central
hub router for a minute or so I get ~300 pairs of numbers. Some method of
selecting out the interesting bits is definitely required. 

Perhaps it might be more useful to allow some sort of "masked" counting
to be done, ie. so that totals can be collected on a per net or subnet 
basis, eg.

ip access-list 801 permit ip
ip access-list 801 permit ip 
ip access-list 801 permit ip
ip access-list 801 permit ip

ip accounting access-group 801

This would create only four accounting table entries (but see below).
One for all packets from subnet to network, one
for all other packets destined for network and one each for
a count of all packets routed to a couple of subnets of
(which is subnetted with mask

Of course, you might still want to gather "the rest" on a per host or
per net basis, so maybe

ip accounting per-network
ip accounting per-host

would be useful as well. These would be mutually incompatible, and
would act as wildcards for acess-lists, so that if no match was found in
the access-list, or if no acess-list was present, then per-whatever
accounting would be done. If neither per-network, nor per-host were on,
then only the entries allowed by the access-list would apply.

Of course the killer with all this is that performance might disappear 
down the plug hole ... but it is a pretty important feature. All of
what I have described above is doable with NNstat (for example), but
if your network backbone is a router rather than an Ethernet cable
you need NNstat features inside the router (including per TCP/UDP port
statistics). With regard to performance, perhaps a coprocessor, that gets
passed packets from the main processor for inspection might be the way
to go ...

Peter Elford,                                   e-mail: P.Elford@aarnet.edu.au
Network Co-ordinator,                           phone: +61 6 249 3542
Australian Academic Research Network,           fax: +61 6 247 3425
c/o, Computer Services Centre,                  post: PO Box 4
Australian National University                        Canberra 2601

robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu (Allen Robel) (11/07/90)

>Perhaps it might be more useful to allow some sort of "masked" 

>counting to be done, ie. so that totals can be collected on a 

>per net or subnet basis, eg.

I suggested exactly this to cisco a few months ago but, alas, 

they do not feel that this would be all that useful.  I personally 

feel that their IP accounting feature as it stands now is virtually 

useless if you have to account for much more than several subnets.  

We have 45 local subnets and will be hosting a state network 

comprised of god-knows-how-many subnets in the near future.  

There's just no way to do accounting strictly on a host basis on 

this scale.

Allen Robel                               robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu 

University Computing Services             ROBELR@IUJADE.BITNET 

Network Research & Planning               voice: (812)855-7171
Indiana University                        FAX:   (812)855-8299

pte900@jatz.aarnet.edu.au (Peter Elford) (11/07/90)

>From robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu Wed Nov  7 15:49:02 1990
>>Perhaps it might be more useful to allow some sort of "masked" 
>>counting to be done, ie. so that totals can be collected on a 
>>per net or subnet basis, eg.
>I suggested exactly this to cisco a few months ago but, alas, 
>they do not feel that this would be all that useful.  I personally 
>feel that their IP accounting feature as it stands now is virtually 
>useless if you have to account for much more than several subnets.  
>We have 45 local subnets and will be hosting a state network 
>comprised of god-knows-how-many subnets in the near future.  
>There's just no way to do accounting strictly on a host basis on 
>this scale.

I agree. 

I have found ip accounting only useful for problem diagnosis (and
in this scenario it is VERY useful). Any other use involves too
much work to retrieve the data from the router at frequent
intervals and then fiddly post-processing to get it into something
useful (which is not necessary with NNstat, for example).

Did cisco give any reasons why they did not wish to pursue some
sort of filtered accounting ?

Peter Elford,                                   e-mail: P.Elford@aarnet.edu.au
Network Co-ordinator,                           phone: +61 6 249 3542
Australian Academic Research Network,           fax: +61 6 247 3425
c/o, Computer Services Centre,                  post: PO Box 4
Australian National University                        Canberra 2601

eckert@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Toerless Eckert) (11/07/90)

From article <29341@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, by pte900@jatz.aarnet.edu.au (Peter Elford):

Talking about IP accounting:

Is there a way too initiate the "clear ip accounting" command by means
of snmp ? I haven't found a variable that could do this (i.e.: by
doing a snmp 'set' onto it).

Another question: with a little programming (well, maybe a bit more)
one could write nice programs using frequently retrieved accounting data to
calculate traffic dispersion between different ip connections. For example
sampling the accounting data every 5 minutes, and subsampling the host/host
pairs that produce most network traffic could provide a nice 'top' tool
for monitoring. Has anybody done these kind of things ?

Toerless Eckert          | /C=de/A=dbp/P=uni-erlangen/OU=informatik/S=eckert
V.4: Noah's ark of Unix  | X.400 ^ Internet> eckert@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu (Allen Robel) (11/08/90)

>Did cisco give any reasons why they did not wish to pursue some
>sort of filtered accounting ?
>Peter Elford,                                   e-mail: P.Elford@aarnet.edu.au
>Network Co-ordinator,                           phone: +61 6 249 3542
>Australian Academic Research Network,           fax: +61 6 247 3425
>c/o, Computer Services Centre,                  post: PO Box 4
>Australian National University                        Canberra 2601
>Canberra, AUSTRALIA

I forwarded some correspondence I had with cisco directly to
Peter but did not think it appropriate to send this everyone.  

If others are interested in this feature I would suggest letting
cisco know and perhaps cisco can respond to the list.

cisco didn't actually say that they wouldn't implement this
feature; just that it would require "hardware assist."


Allen Robel                               robel2@mythos.ucs.indiana.edu 

University Computing Services             ROBELR@IUJADE.BITNET 

Network Research & Planning               voice: (812)855-7171
Indiana University                        FAX:   (812)855-8299

forster@cisco.com (Jim Forster) (11/08/90)

I thought I'd add a bit of background to the discussion:

When we did the IP accounting, we envisioned the need for two crucial
pieces -- lots of memory dedicated to the accounting function, and a fairly
sophisticated "back end" data base application to crunch the raw data into
useful form.  If you dedicate 1 Mbyte of memory to IP accounting, then
there is enough room to hold over 30,000 accounting entries.  We guessed
that this would be enough entries for at least 15 minutes of traffic for a
busy hub (anyone care to contribute some data confirming or disproving
this?).  We also knew that 30,000 raw accounting entries is useless unless
digested into a convenient form.  That's where the sophisticated DB
application comes in -- it can massage the data into per-subnet, or any
other arbitrary billing grouping desired.  

The advantage of collecting the raw data as per-host is that it's less
effort for the router, and you don't throw away information that may be
useful.  The disadvantage is that you need a lot of memory, and you
probably don't want to use SNMP Get-next's to read 30,000 entries.
Unfortunately, no one has done the type of application that we envisioned.

Our 8.2 release will add accounting access lists, to specify what
packets should be counted, and an option to only count packets sourced
from or destined to a connected network.

  -- Jim

gfw@pueblo.att.com (11/09/90)

I would like to second the sentiments of Vikas Aggarwal on providing
a mechanism to filter packets included in cisco's IP accounting table.
Actually, I would also like an extension to the mechanism provided
by the "access-list" mechanism.  The access-list would allow screening
on the basis of src and dst addresses, but the table would still
(probably) appear as host src, dst pairs.  This would definitely be
an improvement over the current situation, but not as useful as I would
like.  The extension I would propose would be a mechanism that allowed
aggregation of octet and packet counts based on some maskable portion
of the addresses.  For example, using a filter mask of
for a class C network, I could get an IP accounting entry that
reflected the total counts of all hosts on that network (rather
than for each host).

I realize that I could accumulate the host detail information to
obtain subnet-based totals.  The problem is (as Vikas pointed out)
there are simply too many (src, dst) pairs in a large internet for
that level of detail to be kept in the router's memory (and it fills
up too fast to be able to snarf and clear before you start losing
data in the "overflow" area).  By providing aggregation in the router
you reduce the overhead of constant polling and clearing, not to mention
the reduction in memory use and the potential for more accurate data
(less ending up in the overflow area).

Greg Wetzel	(708) 979-4782	G_F_Wetzel@att.com

AT&T Bell Laboratories (IH 1B-213)
2000 N. Naperville Road
Naperville, IL  60566

aggarwal@nisc.jvnc.net (Vikas Aggarwal) (11/09/90)

>> Our 8.2 release will add accounting access lists, to specify what
>> packets should be counted, and an option to only count packets sourced
>> from or destined to a connected network.

If its something along the concept of your "extended access lists", it 
would be great.

On another topic, did cisco ever add the "reliability" variable in the
list of SNMP variables as a "route metric variable" ? Right now, I can
get everything but "reliability" via SNMP, and since the igrp metric
takes the reliability of the line into account, I don't see why it is
not retrievable, especially since the SNMP variable exists 

It seems to be giving me the "hop" count presently - any reason why the 
hop count (if it is not used in your metric ??).

vikas@jvnc.net						(609) 258-2403
Network Engineering					         -2400
			JvNCnet, Princeton, NJ

Ford-Gateway>sh route

Routing entry for (mask
  Known via "igrp 97", distance 100, metric 35910
  Redistributing via igrp 97
  Last update from on Ethernet1, 1 seconds ago
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  *, from, 1 seconds ago, 373 uses, via Ethernet1
      Route metric is 35910, traffic share count is 1
      Total delay is 294000 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1536 Kbit
      Reliability 242/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
      Loading 48/255, Hops 7

_mgmt_mib_ip_ipRoutingTable_ipRoute_ipRouteMetric1_46.0.0.0     0x8c46  35910
_mgmt_mib_ip_ipRoutingTable_ipRoute_ipRouteMetric2_46.0.0.0     0x600   1536
_mgmt_mib_ip_ipRoutingTable_ipRoute_ipRouteMetric3_46.0.0.0     0x47c70 294000
_mgmt_mib_ip_ipRoutingTable_ipRoute_ipRouteMetric4_46.0.0.0     0x7     7

cdr@hobbes.amd.com (Carl Rigney) (11/09/90)

Has everyone forgotten the basic SNMP principle that agents should be
kept simple and the network management station should do any
sophisticated processing?  In an afternoon I wrote a perl script that
uses the CMU snmpwalk to retrieve the cisco accounting table, flag the
addresses it doesn't think are valid hosts, and print it out.   A pass
through sort and head then gives you the top talkers.  Drop me a line
if you want a copy.  If you only want to query for a given subnet,
that's easy if you subnetted on byte boundaries, almost easy otherwise.
I've got another program that does the same thing for etherfind, although
its more detailed and rudimentary.

It only took another afternoon to turn that data into a (so far,
static) SGI Net Visualizer style plot that shows all the connections,
colored to emphasize the biggest links.

Access lists are great, and accounting lists are OK if they don't slow
things down too much.  I know the temptation to merge routers and
network monitoring devices is strong because that way you need only
one box instead of two, but implementing a lanwatch algorithm in
hardware seems a little excessive!

Carl Rigney

nipper@i32fs2.ira.uka.de (Arnold Nipper) (11/09/90)

In article <3230@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de> eckert@medusa.informatik.uni-erlangen.de (Toerless Eckert) writes:
>From article <29341@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, by pte900@jatz.aarnet.edu.au (Peter Elford):
	[ stuff deleted ]

>Another question: with a little programming (well, maybe a bit more)
>one could write nice programs using frequently retrieved accounting data to
>calculate traffic dispersion between different ip connections. For example
>sampling the accounting data every 5 minutes, and subsampling the host/host
>pairs that produce most network traffic could provide a nice 'top' tool
>for monitoring. Has anybody done these kind of things ?

I wrote a short awk script producing a top x list of host/host pairs.
Input data for awk is retrieved by Daniel Karrenbergs program to get 
IP Accounting from the cisco via a telnet like session. Output looks like:

	TOTAL			bits/s	KByte
	shost   dhost		  %     KByte
	shost   dhost             %     KByte
	shost   dhost             %     KByte
	...     ...		 ...	 ...

TOTAL means total throughput over all interfaces. % is the percentage
of the shost/dhost connection where 100% is the TOTAL throughput. I use
the "Accounting data age is" line to calculate bits/s. This is reasonable
if the polling period is long enough but will give quite incorrect data
when the period is short. But anyway the % still holds and gives a good
look of which host/host is consuming most of the bandwidth. The list length
can be set by specifying the percentage to which you want to see 
shost/dhost pairs e.g down to 10% of total throughput.
I would like to have accounting data indexed by interface number too.
Than it would be easier to compute bandwidth consuming of each line
connected to you cisco. OK, I know, this will not reduce memory consumption
for IP accounting but I think this would be a nice feature.

Arnold Nipper *** Universitaet Karlsruhe, Am Fasanengarten 5 * nipper@ira.uka.de
XLINK, Inst. fuer Betr.- und Dialogsysteme, D-7500 Karlsruhe *  +49 721 608 4331

satz@cisco.com (Greg Satz) (11/09/90)

I refer you to the latest draft of the MIB-II on nnsc.nsf.net in the
internet-drafts directory. We are working with the IETF SNMP-WG to add the
required MIB variables. 8.2 supports MIB-II.


haddad@hplred.hpl.hp.com (R. Peter Haddad) (11/11/90)

Does anyone have accurate numbers for the performance cost of IP accounting
as it currently is implemented ? How would adding extended access lists for
accounting impact this ? Accounting is all well and good, but I think HPLabs
needs to understand the cost before jumping in wholeheartedly.


R. Peter Haddad
RS Network Engineering

haddad@hplred.hpl.hp.com (R. Peter Haddad) (11/13/90)

From: Greg Satz <satz@cisco.com>

Any extra instructions executed while forwarding a packet take away from
the overall performance. The IP accounting feature as it is presently
implemented tries to be as efficient as possible without doing anything
extra. One can perform tests against the router with and without IP
accounting enabled to see what the performance ramifications are.


Allow me to restate my question, has anyone at cisco or elsewhere performed
these tests ?
