[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] Sun <-> cisco PPP interoperability

vaf@Valinor.Stanford.EDU (Vince Fuller) (01/24/91)

Has anyone tried testing the cisco gateway synchronous PPP implementation
against that done for the Sun by Torben Nielsen? We (Sun and BARRNet) have
found that the two interoperate without problem using 56KB lines but do not
work at all using a T-1 line. When we tried connecting the two over a T-1
line, the Sun end sees a CRC error for every packet that the cisco sends while
the cisco sees nothing in return. Can someone describe the T1 PPP framing used
by the cisco implementation? Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.


forster@cisco.com (Jim Forster) (01/24/91)


We put the same bits out on the V.35 or RS-449 line no matter what the
speed.  We neither off nor accept options.  Given that it works at 56k but
not T-1, possibilities that come to mind (which you've probably tried but
which are worth repeating) are:

	- CSU/DSU configuration: 1.54 vs. 1.35 mb/sec, inverted/non-inverted
	  data, SCTE signal usage
	- V.35 cable length
	- twisted pair cable length & twists per foot
	- run through the various loop back modes
	- cisco sending packets too quickly together.  Unlikely if not
          impossible during LCP bringup, but can be ruled out by
	  slowing us down with the "transmitter delay" command.

I hope someone with more Digital Telecom expertise will correct me or 
add on.

Have fun and good luck!

  -- Jim

melohn@eng.sun.com (Bill Melohn) (01/24/91)

What size CRC does the Cisco interface use at T1 speeds? The default
for the Sun HSI interface is 32 bits, but this can be configured. If
this were the problem though, we would have A) expected reconfiguring
the Sun side to solve the problem [it didn't] and B) we would have
expected the Cisco to notice the incoming packets and count them as
CRC errors (or something) as well.

vaf@Valinor.Stanford.EDU (Vince Fuller) (01/25/91)

  Does the cisco PPP implementation put raw PPP packets out onto the T-1? I
believe (and Bill Melohn can correct me if I'm mistaken) that the Sun PPP
implementation puts HDLC framing around the PPP packets. Bill - can you tell
me if this is done for both the T1/RS449 and 56KB/RS232 Sun synchronous
interfaces? The fact that things work using 56KB/RS232 but not with T1/RS449
implies that the encapsulations may be different.


melohn@eng.sun.com (Bill Melohn) (01/25/91)

PPP is defined as having HDLC framing (no LAPB) surrounding the data
portion of each packet. The HDLC should be identical between the
various Sun communications processors, since they interoperate.

forster@cisco.com (Jim Forster) (01/25/91)

The PPP spec for synchronous mode calls for PPP packets to be put
in an HDLC frame.  We always use a 16-bit CRC.  Bill mentioned
that the Sun T-1 rate card defaults to 32-bit CRC, so this should
be adjusted, although I agree with him that a mismatch on 16 vs.
32 bit CRC's should show up as both systems seeing only CRC

  -- Jim