[comp.dcom.sys.cisco] Select CSU/DSUs that work well with cisco

arnold@mango.synopsys.com (Arnold de Leon) (06/22/91)

This isn't a cisco specific question but it's the opinion of the
the people who use cisco's that interest me.

I am trying to select a CSU/DSU vendor.  I'm interested
in units that can handle fractional T1 service.  I also
will need 56K CSU/DSUs.

The initial network configuration will look something like

                      |   T1 Mux   |
	Big   ----A---|            |
              ----B---|    or      |<------T1------+ 
       cisco  ----C---| several    |               |
              ----D---| FT1 CSU/DSU|               |
                      | cascaded   |               |
                      +------------+               |
	Remote site A <---- 56 K DDS ----> (Network cloud ) <---> Site D
	CSU/DSU & IGS                         ^     ^
                                              |     |
                                   Site B <---+     +----> Site C

All the remote sites will initially be identical.

I expect to migrate the configuration in the future (as the number of sites
increase along with bandwidth demands) to frame relay.  This would reduce
the number of serial ports that I will need on the cisco.  I would then
split up the T1 mux (if that was modular) or distribute the cascaded
fractional T1 units to field.

I am hoping to find a vendor that can provide me short term and
long term solutions.  Since I will be using cisco routers it is
important that they work well with ciscos.  I looking for vendors
to consider and those to avoid.  I'm mostly interested in the T1
based products since I don't expect to have the 56K units for
very long.

Two possible solutions that I am looking are

	Larse Corp -- Split T 
	Teleprocessing Producs Inc -- TP-9000 Fractional T1 Multiplexer

Thanks in advance.

Arnold de Leon  			arnold@synopsys.com
Network Manager				Synopsys Inc.
(415) 694-4183				700 E. Middlefield Road
					Mtn. View, CA 94043-4033