(Milan G. Patel) (03/27/91)
** FULLY LOADED APPLE IIGS SYSTEM PRICED TO SELL! ** The following items are relatively NEW! (2 yrs. old, with very little use) Ave. Mail Order Price (current) Apple IIGS (w/1 Meg RAM) $ 800 RAMFACTOR (w/0 K) 150 Apple color RGB Monitor 460 3.5" drive 320 Super 5, 5.25" drives (2) 350 Mouse 80 Keyboard 150 Grappler printer card 80 Modem interface card n/a Kensington System Saver GS 70 Mach III joystick 30 Joyport (w/5 ports) n/a about 10 games 350 ===== VALUED OVER $ 2840 ALL the above items will include original boxes and manuals. Will sell ENTIRE system for: $ 1200 obo CONTACT: MILAN