[ba.market.computers] For sale: 16-Mhz Zenith 386

tachyon@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Tane' Tachyon) (04/04/91)

I'm posting this for a friend who doesn't have access to these newsgroups;
please reply to him at midnight@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us


For Sale:  16 MHz Zenith 386 (DX), w/ 387 & 2 Meg RAM.

Case and power supply, 101 key kbd, 1.2 and 720K floppies, 16-bit disk
controller, 256K EMS, MS-DOS 3.21 and diagnostics disks.


I'm selling this because, frankly, it's gotten just too flaky for me.
I can't afford to haul it to a trade show and have it die on the floor
during a demo!  The CPU card has gotten pretty heat sensitive:  The
last rearrangement may have fixed things and it may not ...

For questions &c, reply to midnight@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us, or call Jon
Shemitz at 408-479-9916.

tachyon@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us           I'm supposed to be working right now.
tachyon@ucscb.ucsc.edu                    I only like sigs on *other* people.