vgibbs@NMSU.Edu (04/17/91)
**************************** CALL FOR VOTES ****************************** I'd like to invite voting on establishing a new newsgroup to address archaeology in its many aspects. Name: sci.archaeology Type: unmoderated Charter: 1 ) To exchange information on various corcerns in archaeology, including method and theory, pot hunting, egyptology, typology, dating, and other related topics. 2 ) To facilitate ongoing debates and comments on ideas or research that may not necessarily be in a publishable form. 3 ) To query other interested archaeologists about resources which could be made generally available. ( e.g. programs, images, data, references, but not exact site locations) 4 ) To keep each other informed on upcoming events of interest to social science researchers and computing in the field of archaeology. ***************************************************************************** Please cast only a YES or NO vote for the creation of sci.archaeology. Place your ballot (yes or no) in the subject heading of your message. Votes should be mailed (not posted) to no later than May 12, 1991. *****************************************************************************