hoebel@cs.rochester.edu (03/16/90)
************************************** * CALL FOR PAPERS * * * * KBSA_5 * * * * Sept. 24 - 28 1990 * ************************************** Sponsored by Rome Air Development Center ------------------------ Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center Syracuse N.Y. ------------------------ The Fifth Annual Knowledge-Based Software Assistant Conference will be held on the above date. The RADC sponsored KBSA project is a long term, on going research and development effort to create an automated assistant for all phases and facets of the software development process. The theme for this years conference is "Supporting and Enabling Technologies". Papers are requested for, but not limited to, the following topics: - Environments and AI Techniques for Systems and Software Development - Object-Oriented and Distributed Object/Databases - Distributed Software Development, Development-in-the-Large - Software Re-use, Reverse Engineering and Maintenance - Case Based Reasoning, Derivational Analogy - User Interface Modeling and Interface Technology - Formal Specifications; Requirements both formal and informal - Automatic Programming and Code Generation - Configuration Management and Version Control - Project Management, Cost Modeling, Activities Coordination - Verification, Transformation, Process and Performance Modeling We also request proposals for panel discussion and informal workshops. All papers and proposals should be sent to Barb Radzisz at the address listed below. Send four(4) copies for panels and six(6) copies for papers. Demonstrations of software, academic, research or commercial, are also sought. Full papers will be accepted but should not exceed 10 pages (12 pt type). Extended abstracts must be a minimum of 2 type written pages and must stress results or fully elaborated and developed ideas and not future work. Position papers and exploratory idea papers should be confined to panels and workshops. All accepted papers must be unclassified and will be refereed by peers in industry, academia and government. Important dates. Extended abstracts due May 1st Authors notified by June 15th Camera ready copies due by August 15th For more information contact: Barb Radzisz Data and Analysis Center PO Box 120 Utica, NY 13503 315-336-0937 kbsa-con@aivax.radc.af.mil Louis Hoebel, Conference Chair RADC/COES Griffiss AFB NY 13441-5700 315 330 4833 hoebel@aivax.radc.af.mil reprints of prior KBSA conferences and other technical reports are available from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Rd. Springfield VA 22161 703-487-4600 (charge is by document page number plus $3 per order) Data& Analysis Center for Software (DPO BOX 120 Utica NY 13503 attn: Document Ordering 315-336-0937 Defense Technical Information Center, Cameron Station Alexandria VA 22304-6145 202 274 7633