cliff@ipse2pt5.uucp (Cliff Jones) (03/16/90)
This journal is one year old (I could type in the Contents of the first Volume in anyone is interested). We can still offer good submit/publication times and would welcome more papers on "formal methods" topics. One way to submit is to send 3 copies to: Dr. D. J. Cooke Department of Computer Studies, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU UK But the best idea is to get a copy of the journal and choose the editor closest (scientifically) to your area. cliff jones (Brian L. Kahn) (03/22/90)
How does one get a copy of this journal? Assuming one lives in the U.S., if that makes any difference. -- B< Brian Kahn "may the farce be with you"
cliff@ipse2pt5.uucp (Cliff Jones) (03/22/90)
I have been asked by e-mail for the Table of Contents of the first Volume of this journal: CONTENTS Volume 1, Number 1, January-March 1989 Editorial Cliff Jones 1 Development Methods for Trusted Computer Systems Martyn Thomas 5 Do-It-Yourself Type Theory Roland Backhouse, Paul Chisholm, Grant Malcolm 19 and Erik Saaman The RAISE Language, Methods and Tools Mogens Nielsen, Klaus Havelund, Kim Ritter Wagner 85 and Chris George VVSL: A Language for Structured VDM Specifications C A Middelburg 115 Book Reviews CONTENTS Volume 1, Number 2, April-June 1989 Editorial John Cooke 145 Specifying the Apple Macintosh Toolbox Event Manager C T Burton, S J Cook, S Gikas, J R Rowson 147 and S T Sommerville Program Development in the Constructive Set Theory TK 173 Martin C Henson Meta-interpreters and Partial Evaluation in Parlog 193 Mathew Huntbach CONTENTS Volume 1, Number 3, July-September 1989 Event Fairness and Non-Interleaving Concurrency Marta Z Kwiatkowska 213 Process Simulation and Refinement He Jifeng 229 A Refinement Calculus for Specifications in Hennessy-Milner Logic Soren Holmstrom 242 Automated Analysis of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms using CCS D J Walker 273 Book Reviews 293 CONTENTS Volume 1, Number 4, October-December 1989 A Functional Programming Approach to the Specification and Verification of Concurrent Systems Peter Dybjer and Herbert P Sander 303 Term Rewriting and Beyond - Theorem Proving in ISabelle Tobias Nipkow 320 A Logic for Miranda Simon Thompson 339 Issues in the Design of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language Pierre America 366 Book Reviews 412 Author Index 417