[comp.specification] "Debugging Larch Shared Language Specifications"

horning@src.dec.com (Jim Horning) (07/11/90)

The following report is now available.  Single copies at no charge may be
requested by sending mail to src-report@src.dec.com.

DEC Systems Research Center Report 60, July 4, 1990

"Debugging Larch Shared Language Specifications"
Stephen J. Garland, John V. Guttag, James J. Horning


The Larch family of specification languages supports a two-tiered definitional
approach to specification.  Each specification has components written in two
languages: one designed for a specific programming language and another
independent of any programming language.  The former are called Larch interface
languages, and the latter the Larch Shared Language (LSL).

The Larch style of specification emphasizes brevity and clarity rather than
executability.  To make it possible to test specifications without executing
or implementing them, Larch permits specifiers to make claims about logical
properties of specifications and to check these claims at specification time.
Since these claims are undecidable in the general case, it is impossible to
build a tool that will automatically certify claims about arbitrary
specifications.  However, it is feasible to build tools that assist specifiers
in checking claims as they debug specifications.  This paper describes the
checkability designed into LSL and discusses two tools that help perform the

This paper will appear in the forthcoming IEEE TSE Special Issue on Formal
Methods.  It is a revised and expanded version of a paper presented at the
April 1990 IFIP Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods.