[comp.specification] Formal models of Specifications

hanan@cs.umr.edu (Hanan Lutfiyya) (08/06/90)

 Hi.  I am interested in software specifications.  I am particularly
 interested in formal models of software specifications.  I would
 appreciate any information on who is doing work on this subject, 
 or references to work on it.  

 E-mail would be great, and I will summarize here if there is sufficient
 interest. Thank you!

 Hanan Lutfiyya

mariam@unocss.unomaha.edu (mariam) (08/09/90)

> Hi.  I am interested in software specifications.  I am particularly
> interested in formal models of software specifications.  I would
> appreciate any information on who is doing work on this subject, 
> or references to work on it.  
> E-mail would be great, and I will summarize here if there is sufficient
> interest. Thank you!
> Hanan Lutfiyya
> hanan@cs.umr.edu

I work in the area of formal spec. What is that you
want to know? References to existing work? Well, there
are a lot of them- here are a few (book) references:

   - The Specification of Complex Systems
     Cohen, Harwood and Jackson

   - Formal Methods of Program Verification and Specification
     Berg, et al

   - Software Specification Techniques (collection of papers)
     Gehani and McGettrick (editors)

   - Formal Specification and Software Development
     Bj0rner and Jones

   - Software Engineering with Abstraction
     Berzins and Luqi
     (Emphesizes a lot on formal spec)

   - Formal Methods and Software Development
     LNCS 186 - Ehrig et al (editors)

Plus there are a large body of research papers on this subject.
(I have at least 50 references in my dissertation.)

Also, check into the list of the MIT dissertations.
I know that there are a good number of them that deal
with this issue. 

The above books give you more references too.

Also, get the following- they are useful:
(All are produced by the CMU's Software Eng. Institute)

    - Formal Specification of Software
      Curriculum Module SEI-CM-8-1.0

    - Support Materials for Formal Specification of Software
      Support Materials SEI-SM-8-1.0

    - Software Specifications: A Framework
      Curriculum Module SEI-CM-11-2.1

PS. Send me a summary of your search.