[comp.specification] Call for papers SIGSOFT '91

nancy@murphy.ICS.UCI.EDU (Nancy Leveson) (11/05/90)

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                         ACM SIGSOFT '91
                  Software for Critical Systems

                     New Orleans, Louisiana
                      December 4-6, 1991

 Computer systems are beginning to affect nearly every aspect of our
 lives.  Examples include programs that control aircraft, shut down
 nuclear power reactors in emergencies, monitor hospital patients, and
 execute banking transactions.  Although such programs offer considerable
 benefits, they also pose serious risks in that we are increasingly
 vulnerable to errors and deficiencies in the software.

 The SIGSOFT '91 conference seeks papers on all aspects of quality in
 critical systems.  A critical system is a system that must exhibit,
 with very high assurance, some specific qualities such as safety,
 reliability, confidentiality, integrity, availability, trustworthiness,
 and correctness.  The conference will focus on such topics as
 architectures, design methodologies, languages, analysis techniques,
 and processes that can increase the likelihood that a system exhibits
 its required qualities.

 Papers will be judged on relevance, significance, originality,
 correctness, and clarity.  Papers will be read and evaluated by the
 program committee and must not be under consideration (or published)
 elsewhere in the same or similar form.  Papers are limited to 6,000
 words, with full-page figures counting as 300 words.  A paper that
 significantly exceeds this limit is likely to be rejected.

 Authors should submit 6 copies of the full paper to Peter Neumann at:
        Peter Neumann
        Computer Science Laboratory, Room EL-243
        SRI International
        333 Ravenswood Ave.
        Menlo Park, CA 94025
 Persons submitting papers from countries in which access to copying
 machines is difficult or impossible may submit a single copy.
 Submissions should be received by May 3, 1991 and should include a
 return mailing address.  Authors will be notified of acceptance or
 rejection by July 12, 1990.  Full versions of accepted papers must
 be received in camera-ready form by August 30, 1991.  Authors of
 accepted papers will be expected to sign a copyright release
 form.  Proceedings will be distributed at the conference and will
 subsequently be available from ACM.


   Mark Moriconi             Nancy Leveson                 Peter Neumann
   SRI International         Univ. of California, Irvine   SRI International
   moriconi@csl.sri.com      leveson@ics.uci.edu           neumann@csl.sri.com

     David Barstow          Schlumberger
     Dines Bjorner          Technical University of Denmark
     Marie-Claude Gaudel    Universite de Paris - Sud
     Jim Horning            DEC Systems Research Center
     Bill Howden            University of California, San Diego
     Hermann Kopetz         Technical University of Vienna
     Carl Landwehr          Naval Research Laboratory
     Bev Littlewood         City University, London
     Leon Osterweil         University of California, Irvine
     David Parnas           Queen's University
     Fred Schneider         Cornell University
     Vicky Stavridou        University of London
     Martyn Thomas          Praxis, Inc.
     Walter Tichy           University of Karlsruhe
     Elaine Weyuker         NYU Courant Institute