[comp.specification] Object-Z facts

Paul.Kram@cs.cmu.edu (02/25/91)

Thanks to David Duke:

"Object-Z is an extension to the Z notation currently being developed
by a group at the University of Queensland.  Basically, it adds a class
construct to the Z notation that allows a specification to be written
in an object-oriented style; for example, inheritance between classes
is provided."

                -- D. Duke
Some Papers:

Object-Oriented Protocol Specification
R. Duke, G. Rose, A. Lee
Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification X
North Holland, 1990

Object-Z: An Object-Oriented Extension to Z
D. Carrington, D. Duke, R. Duke, P. King, G. Rose, G. Smith
FORTE '89 (Formal Description Techniques)
North Holland, 1989

Towards a Semantics for Object-Z
D. Duke, R. Duke
VDM 90: VDM and Z!
Springer Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 428