kuhn@swe.ncsl.nist.gov (Rick Kuhn) (04/03/91)
6th Annual Conference on Computer Assurance - June 24-28, 1991 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Sponsored by IEEE National Capital Area Council & IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society FEATURED SPEAKERS: David L. Parnas, Queens University John Cullyer, University of Warwick H. O. Lubbes, Naval Research Laboratory PANELISTS: Bruce Barnes, National Science Foundation John Cherniavsky, National Science Foundation Peter J. Denning, NASA Ames Research Center Diane Jachinowski, Nellcor William Junk, University of Idaho Claire Lohr, Lohr Systems John A. McDermid, University of York/British Computer Society Raymond Miller, University of Maryland Peter G. Neumann, SRI International David L. Parnas, Queens University William L. Sherlis, DARPA J. Alan Taylor, British Computer Society COMPUTER RELATED RISK OF THE YEAR: Weak Links and Correlated Events - Peter G. Neumann, SRI International TUTORIALS: Safe Systems>A Disciplined Approach John McDermid, University of York John Cullyer, University of Warwick Software Safety Analysis>Linking Fault Trees and Petri Nets Janet Gill, Patuxent River Naval Air Test Center SESSIONS: Industry Training on Computer Assurance European Economic Community '92 Perspectives Certification and Safety of Critical Systems US and International Sponsored Initiatives Risk Containment Planning and Quality Measurements Formal Methods COMPASS '91 PRE-CONFERENCE TUTORIALS, Monday, June 24th 0900 Registration for Tutorial 1 1000 Tutorial 1: Safe Systems--A Disciplined Approach John McDermid, University of York John Cullyer, University of Warwick 1200 Lunch; Registration for Tutorial 2 1300 Tutorial 1: Safe Systems--A Disciplined Approach (continued) Tutorial 2: Software Safety Analysis--Linking Fault Trees and Petri Nets Janet Gill, Patuxent River Naval Air Test Center 1700 Close of tutorials Safe Systems--A Disciplined Approach Professor John McDermid, University of York, and Professor John Cullyer, University of Warwick, will discuss the integration of formal methods into the life cycle development of safety-critical software. Professor McDermid will discuss the safety life cycle and the safety analysis of software. Professor Cullyer will discuss the integration of formal methods during the requirements and specification phases, design phases (including hardware), and the verification and validation phase. Finally, Professor McDermid will discuss the skills, education and training required to apply formal methods to safety-critical software. Software Safety Analysis--Linking Fault Trees and Petri Nets Independently, fault trees and Petri nets serve limited evaluation purposes in safety-critical systems. This tutorial presents a technique for converting and linking fault tree analysis (FTA) with Petri net modeling and vice versa. This technique permits the analyst to determine if a software fault can be reached be analyzing the software in detail with FTA. COMPASS '91 PROGRAM, Tuesday, June 25th 0800 Registration 0900 Opening Remarks, General Chair, Lt. Col. Anthony Shumskas, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense 0915 Honorary Chair Address 0930 Keynote Address, David L. Parnas, Queens University 1030 Break 1100 Conference Topic Panel: Educating Computer Scientists for the Year 2000 Chair, John Cherniavsky, National Science Foundation David L. Parnas, Queens University Peter J. Denning, NASA Ames Research Center William L. Sherlis, DARPA John A. McDermid, University of York/British Computer Society Bruce Barnes, National Science Foundation Raymond Miller, University of Maryland 1245 Lunch 1345 Panel (continued) 1515 Break 1545 Questions from the audience to panel members 1830 Cocktail Reception/Banquet (Holiday Inn) The Accidents of Life--From Conception to Our Last Moments John Cullyer, University of Warwick COMPASS '91 PROGRAM, Wednesday, June 26th 0800 Registration 0830 Computer Related Risk of the Year: Weak Links and Correlated Events Peter G. Neumann, SRI International 0915 SESSION 1: EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY '92 PERSPECTIVES Chair, John Cullyer, University of Warwick Computer Software and Aircraft J. Peter Potocki de Montalk, Airbus Industrie Some Results From DRIVE Thomas Buckley, University of Leeds 1015 Break 1045 SESSION 2: HOW INDUSTRY TRAINING IN COMPUTER ASSURANCE CAN BE IMPROVED THROUGH EDUCATION Chair, Diane Jachinowski, Nellcor Peter G. Neumann, SRI International J. Alan Taylor, British Computer Society Claire Lohr, Lohr Systems William Junk, University of Idaho 1245 Lunch 1345 SESSION 3A: CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY OF CRITICAL SYSTEMS Chair, Michael Brown, Naval Surface Warfare Center Certification of Production Representative/Production Software Intensive Systems for Dedicated Test and Evaluation Lt. Col. Anthony F. Shumskas, Office of the Secretary of Defense Interrelationships of Problematic Components of Safety-Related Automated Information Systems Morey J. Chick, General Accounting Office A Case-Study of Security Policy for Manual and Automated Systems Edgar H. Sibley, James B. Michael, and Ravi Sandhu George Mason University 1515 Break 1545 SESSION 3B: CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY OF CRITICAL SYSTEMS (CONTINUED) Safety Criteria and Model for Mission-Critical Embedded Software Systems R. A. Gove and Janene Heinzman, Booz Allen, and Hamilton A Case-Study on Isolation of Safety-Critical Software Edward A. Addy, Logicon, Incorporated 1830 Birds of a Feather Meeting (Holiday Inn) Presentation: Software Development Methods in Practice J. V. Hill, Rolls-Royce and Associates Limited COMPASS '91 PROGRAM, Wednesday, June 26th 0800 Registration 0830 Day's Keynote: High Assurance Computing H. O. Lubbes, Naval Research Laboratory 0900 SESSION 4A: FORMAL METHODS Chair, Andrew Moore, Naval Research Laboratory Report on the Formal Specification and Partial Verification of the VIPER Microprocessor Bishop Brock and Warren A. Hunt, Computational Logic, Incorporated Using Correctness Results to Verify Behavioral Properties of Microprocessors Phillip J. Windley, University of Idaho Estella: A Facility for Specifying Behavorial Constraint Assertions in Real-Time Rule-Based Systems Albert Mo Kim Cheng, University of Houston; and James C. Browne, Aloysius K. Mok, and Rwo-Hsi Wang, University of Texas at Austin 1000 Break 1030 SESSION 4B: FORMAL METHODS (CONTINUED) Design Strategy for a Formally Verified Reliable Computing Platform Ricky Butler and James L. Caldwell, NASA Langley Research Center; and Ben L. De Vito, Vigyan, Inc. Specifying and Verifying Real-Time Systems Using Time Petri Nets and Real-Time Temporal Logic Xudong He, North Dakota State University Developing Implementations of Estelle Specifications Using the PEDS Toolkit William Majurski, NIST 1245 Lunch 1345 SESSION 5: US AND INTERNATIONAL SPONSORED INITIATIVES Chair, H. O. Lubbes, Naval Research Laboratory NIST: Workshop on Assurance of High Integrity Software Dolores R. Wallace, D. Richard Kuhn, NIST, and John Cherniavsky, National Science Foundation NASA Langley: Research Program in Formal Methods Ricky Butler, NASA Langley Research Center 1445 Break 1515 SESSION 6: RISK CONTAINMENT PLANNING AND QUALITY MEASUREMENTS Chair, Michael Brown, Naval Surface Warfare Center Planning and Implementing and IV&V Program in a Large Scale DoD Software Development Program Florence Sippel and Kevin Mello, Naval Underwater Systems Center Quality and Security, They Work Together Richard Carr, Marie Tynan, NASA Headquarters; and Russell Davis, PRC, Inc. Data Collection and Descriptive Analysis: A First Step for Developing Quality Software Anita Shagnea, Kelly Hayhurst, and B. Edward Withers, Research Triangle Park Fault Locator and Weighting System Jeffrey Bulow, General Electric, Syracuse 1715 Closing Remarks Friday, June 28th 0830 - 1400 Forum: US and International Standards for High Integrity Systems (DoD, Government, and Industry) Chair, Dolores Wallace, National Institute of Standards and Technology REGISTRATION FEES --------------------------------------------------- Advance (ends 6/8) On-Site Students* M NM M NM M NM Conference 225 275 275 325 25 75 Tutorial 50 70 70 90 25 45 Proceedings Only** 20 20 20 20 20 20 --------------------------------------------------- M = Member of a Sponsoring Organization or IEEE; NM = Not a member of any Sponsoring Organization. *Lunches and banquet not included in student fee (these can be paid for separately at the conference). **Price good through 28 June 1991 only; $30 thereafter. Note: Requests for refunds received after 8 June 1991 will be subject to a $15 administrative fee. For further details, contact Dolores Wallace, (301) 975-3340. ACCOMMODATIONS A block of sixty rooms at a special rate ($55/night, single or double) has been reserved for COMPASS '91 participants at the Gaithersburg Holiday Inn. Fill out and mail the Hotel Registration card on the reverse no later than 7 June 1991. Reservations must be guaranteed by a credit card or one night's deposit. Make checks payable to the hotel or include your credit card information in the space provided on the hotel registration form. DIRECTIONS Directions to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are as follows: Route I-495 North to Route I-270 North to Exit 10, Route 117, Clopper Road (West). NIST is located on the left side of Clopper Road, 4/10 of a mile from I-270. PARKING Parking is available in the NIST Visitors Parking Lot adjacent the Administration Building. HOTEL Directions to the Holiday Inn are as follows: Route I-495 North to Route I-270 North to Exit 11, Route 124 Quince Orchard Road. Proceed to the far left lane. Go left at the traffic light on Frederick Ave. (Route 355). The Holiday Inn will be on your immediate right. TRANSPORTATION For persons who do not wish to drive, the conference hotel is accessible from BWI, Dulles, and National airports by regular limousine service with no reservations required. Also, NIST provides shuttle service to and from Shady Grove Metrorail Station (on the Red Line) on the quarter and three quarter hour (0815, 0845, - 1715) from the West KISS and RIDE lot. COMPASS '91 will provide a shuttle morning and evening between NIST and the hotel. The morning bus will depart at 0815. MEALS The registration fee includes lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and banquet on Tuesday. Refreshments will be available at all breaks. _____________________________________________________________________________ COMPASS '91 SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER ASSURANCE ADVANCE REGISTRATION FORM (Advance registration ends 8 June 1991) Address: COMPASS '91 [ ] CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 1100 S. Barton St. #289 [ ] PROCEEDINGS ONLY Arlington, VA 22204 USA [ ] TUTORIAL (Linking Fault Trees and or fax to: Dolores Wallace, NIST, Petri Nets) (301)590-0932 [ ] TUTORIAL (Safe Systems) (301)590-0932 [ ] EXTRA PROCEEDINGS (number: ____ ) NAME _________________________________________________________ COMPANY ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY ________________________ STATE _________ ZIP _________ COUNTRY _______________________ PHONE _______________________ IEEE membership number _______________________________ Check method of payment: [ ] check or money order Amount enclosed $ ______ made payable to COMPASS '91. [ ] American Express [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Diners Club Acct. # __________________________ Exp. date _______ Signature ___________________________________ Check here if you will be using the NIST/Holiday Inn shuttle [ ] Department of Defense Approval: "In reviewing the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers' plans for COMPASS '91, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) finds this event meets the standards for participation by DoD personnel under instruction 5410.20 and DoD Standards of Conduct Directive 5500.7. This finding does not constitute DoD endorsement of attendance which must be determined by each DoD component." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HOTEL REGISTRATION Please make reservations directly with the hotel and refer to COMPASS '91. Complete all information and check desired accomodation. COMPASS '91 room rate (single or double, not including tax) is $55. Reservations must be made by 7 June 1991 to take advantage of this rate. One nights deposit is required when making reservations. HOLIDAY INN Please guarantee for late arrival: $__________ Two Montgomery Village Avenue [ ] check Gaithersburg, MD 20879 [ ] American Express [ ] Visa (301)948-8900 [ ] Mastercard [ ] Single Acct. # _____________________ Exp. date _____ [ ] Double Signature ___________________________ NAME ____________________________________________________ COMPANY _______________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY ________________________ STATE _______ ZIP ________ COUNTRY _________ PHONE _________________________ FROM(DATE) ______ TO(DATE) _________ Keywords: