[comp.specification] Conference Announcement: 6th KBSE

hoebel@cs.rochester.edu (06/17/91)

	C o n f e r e n c e   A n n o u n  c e m e n t 

**********  Preliminary Call for Participaion  **************

   6th Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference
                   September 22 - 25, 1991

         Sheraton University Inn and Convention Center
                      Syracuse, New York

      Sponsored by  Rome  Laboratory (RL) and in cooperation with
      the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
      and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


In 1983, the Rome Air Development Center (now the Rome 
Laboratory) published a report calling for the development of a 
Knowledge-Based Software Assistant (KBSA), which would employ 
artificial intelligence techniques to support all phases of the 
software development  process.  The original KBSA vision 
revolved around a new software process model, including 
knowledge-based software design and prototyping by executable 
specifications, and the generation of implementations using 
semantic-preserving rules. Research and development efforts 
around the world, including those supported by Rome Lab's long-
term  KBSA program, have led to the development of significant 
pieces of this vision.

The annual KBSA Conference has provided a forum for discussion 
and presentation of work related to the KBSA effort.  In 
addition, it has gradually expanded its scope to include other 
work relating to knowledge-based software engineering.  This 
year we have formally changed the name of the conference to the 
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference.


This year's conference will continue its expanded scope, 
covering all aspects of knowledge-based software engineering 
including programming-in-the-large, automatic documentation, 
formal specifications, user interfaces, reverse engineering and 
design recovery, reasoning techniques, life cycle support, 
knowledge acquisition, and empirical studies and experience 
reports. The unifying thread is the application of knowledge-
based techniques to software engineering problems.

The core of the conference will be a three-day block of 
technical presentations, including panels and paper sessions.  
This core will be preceded with three one-hour, technically-
oriented, "mini-tutorials" on Sunday afternoon.  These 
tutorials will be presented for relative newcomers to the KBSE 
community.  Demonstrations and videotapes will be scheduled at 
various times throughout the conference to allow for maximum 

        Program Chair:             

        Peter G. Selfridge         
        AT&T Bell Laboratories     
        Room 3C-441                
        Murray Hill, NJ 07974      

                    Program Committee:

        Penny Chase                Penny Muncaster-Jewell
        Tom Cheatham               Lisa Neal
        Steve Fickas               Mary Ann Overman
        Mehdi Harandi              Chuck Rich
        Dave Harris                Bill Sasso
        Lou Hoebel                 Elliott Soloway
        Lewis Johnson              Peter Selfridge
        Gail Kaiser                Doug White 
                                   Don YU

For more information, contact Barbara Radzisz, Data and 
Analysis Center for Software, PO Box 120, Utica, NY 13503, 
(315) 734-3696, kbsa-con@aivax.radc.af.mil

-----------------Registration Form------------------------
---------------------cut here-----------------------------

6th Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference
                 Registration Form

Title:  ( ) Mr.  ( )  Ms.            Citizenship:
        ( )  Dr.(  )  Other:           (  ) United States 
                                       (  )  Other

Zip Code:
E-Mail Address:	

Please mark all items that apply to your registration:

(  )  KBSE-91 Registration Fee.. $250 (after August 20: $300)
   (Fee includes conference proceedings, break refreshments,
      lunch, and reception.)

(  )  KBSE-91 Student Reg.Fee.. $125  (after August 20: $175)
       (Fee includes conference proceedings, break 
                 refreshments, lunch, and reception.)
       (NOTE:  Students must present proof of status.)

(  )  Conference Proceedings (includes shipping)......$75
     (I cannot attend the conference, but please send me a 
          copy of the proceedings.)

(  )  I will be attending the reception Sunday night.
     (You must indicate if you plan to attend the reception.)

Total Enclosed:  $___________    Check Number:  _________

 Make checks payable to Kaman Sciences Corporation.  

Return payment and this form to the Data & Analysis Center for 
Software by Tuesday, August 20, 1991.

    Ms. Barbara Radzisz, KBSE Conference Coordinator
    Kaman Sciences Corporation
    Data & Analysis Center for Software
    PO Box 120
    Utica, New York 13503
    (315) 734-3696