[comp.sys.alliant] Gcc-1.36 and 1.37

jay@alliant.backbone.uoknor.edu (Jay Liang) (03/30/90)

     Has anybody sucessfully compiled/recompiled gcc-1.36 or 1.37 on the
Alliant running Concentrix 5.5.02 with multibus?  I had no problem putting
gcc-1.36 on when 5.5.0 was running, but I couldn't complete stage1 after
gcc was compiled with a recommended patched pcc.  The problem: cc1 locks up
one of our IP's and can not be killed unless rebooting the system.  I
suspect that soft-float was the culprit, but it is not yet confirmed.  Any
comments?  Thanks.

A philosopher is someone who knows something about  |      Jay Liang
knowing which nobody else knows so well. - Descartes| jay@alliant.backbone.
There is nothing so absurd that it has not been     |      uoknor.edu
said by philosophers.                    - Cicero   |   (405)325-5540 (W)