huang@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (Howard Huang) (03/09/90)
Andrew Certain says: >I thought that the reason the IIGS doesn't have much games support is because >everything put out for the IIGS is pirated and distributed before the first >copy is even sold... This isn't unique to the IIgs. IBMs, Amiga, Atari, Mac -- they all suffer from piracy. -------------- One recent issue of Sierra On-Line's newsletter said the company would stop developing IIgs specific games because they felt the gs was too slow for their tastes. Not true. As lotsa people have pointed out, the IIgs hardware CAN support some pretty nice graphics, etc., but people haven't figured out the best way for their programs to take advantage of these features. Maybe with time... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Howard C. Huang Internet: Sophomore Computer Science Major Bitnet: huang@husc4.BITNET Mather House 426, Harvard College UUCP: huang@husc4.UUCP (I think) Cambridge, MA 02138 Apple II: ftp