FADMICS@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu (04/11/90)
Thanks to all those who responded to my previous posting; I sent private email to some, but with more responses coming in it's just too time-consuming. To summarize BRIEFLY, I'm a (horrors!) Mac user trying to exchange AppleWorks word processing files with a IIc. The Mac can translate foreign binary files downloaded to it (and preserve formatting), but at the other end my Apple connection has no communications software. I scanned the postings and know that Kermit can be FTPed, but I have no way of getting that to a 5.25 inch disk. Would some kind soul be able to copy Kermit or some other comm. program for me if I send them a floppy? X, Y, or Z-modem would be even better, especially a program that could handle 19200 baud (the IIc maximum, or so I'm told). There's bound to be some shareware or PD program around that could do it. Thanx in advance. Please e-mail to me at the above address, or as fader-michael@cs.yale.edu