[comp.sys.apple2] Spriral-tracking

tm@polari.UUCP (Toshi Morita) (04/12/90)

toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) writes:

>But it is for that reason that data is never stored closer than 3/4 of a track
>apart, and since 1/4 tracks are a pain to work with (you have to do gross
>things with the stepper magnets) DOS only uses full tracks to store data.
>Spiral tracking copy protection schemes use quarter tracks but spiral it
>such that data is never closer than 3/4 track at any point on the disk
>(assuming they are reading real data and not checking for the presence of
>intentional errors).

If I remember correctly, Br0derbund's spiral tracking (a la Choplifter) used 
adjacent half-tracks in concentric half-circles to achieve one of the most
difficult copy-protechtion schemes ever, (not quarter tracks).

Nice to see all the slick programmers (kadickey, nicholas) on Usenet!

Toshi Morita