[comp.sys.apple2] Goodbye!

SAB121@psuvm.psu.edu (05/04/90)

This will be my last post for a while, I lose internet access in about 48 hrs.
All I really wanted to say was thanks to all those people on this service that
have helped out. It is people like you taht will keep the Apple IIgs alive.
Without people like you, our machine would go the way of all the older machines
that have died over the years. I guess that is why I bought a II, the community
spirit. I read (and post) stuff against Apple Computer, Inc., and I agree with
most of it. Apple is slowly strangling the spirit of the Apple II and are
becoming as soulless a company as any other out there. The whole reason the II
was ever popular was mainly because of the, well for want of a better word,
romance. The Apple was a machine put together by ordinary (albeit geniuses)
people who could have been anyone we knew. Apple was kept alive for years
just on that spirit. After all, the original Macs were not much to look at, but
people who had been with Apple for years bought them because THEY WERE PART OF
THAT ROMANCE! Now, the romance is gone and the divorce is almost complete. The
question is now who gets the children. Perhaps Apple is regretting it's older
son, the II and just wishes for it to go away. I hope not. My Apple has been
around for longer than just about anything I've seen, and it'll probably out
last anything that I could buy today. I hope that Apple will see this
commitment people have to the Apple II not as something to transfer over to the
mac, but rather as something to keep the II alive and well into the decades to

Again, my thanks to all who have helped out over this past year, may your life
be long and interesting!
Salvatore A. Buttice                 Before ^^^^^\_<sab121@psuvm.psu.edu>
Box 488                              May 1  _____/ <SAB121@PSUVM.BITNET>
Espyville, PA 16424                  After May 1--><sir-alan!salb@uunet.UU.NET>