[net.space] Several Things

DLENAHAN@USC-ISIE@sri-unix (11/19/82)

From: Den Lenahan <DLENAHAN at USC-ISIE>
1.  A double-amen to Karn et al comments about commentators.  At least
Jane Pauly tried, though.  After I had yelled, "Shut up" six or  seven
times,  Jane  finally  said,  "Why don't we just be quiet and listen?"
And she and her  two  colleagues  (one  of  whom  was  a  trained  but
not-yet-flown  astronaut)  actually  were  quiet for a short time (too
short, albeit) while the STS audio was piped through.

2.   JS&A catalog Number 9 (the latest one) does offer a shuttle ride.
By their own admission, they have "petitioned NASA  to  be  the  first
company to book commercial air travel on the Space Shuttle" but "...we
haven't received a firm answer  from  NASA  regarding  our  position."
What  the  ad  really is is a ploy to sell a Mark Rickerson poster for
$30 (or $20 if you buy anything else).  If I  recall  correctly,  JS&A
pushed  Mark  Rickerson  posters  a couple years ago with some sort of
deal wherein subscribers would always be offered first chance at a new
poster  at  a  guaranteed  low price, even when Mark Rickerson becomes
famous and his poster-prices go way way up.

3.  For Ron Meyer, and others interested in black holes:  depending on
what level you want to start reading at, may I  add  these  titles  to
those suggested by Ken Kepple?

THE COLLAPSING UNIVERSE, Isaac Asimov; Walker  &  Company,  New  York.
(typical Asimov easy-to-read treatment)

BLACK HOLES AND WARPED SPACETIME, William J.  Kaufmann, III; Freeman &
Company, San Francisco.

and second the motion to consider Walter Sullivan's BLACK HOLES -  THE

4.  Would it be possible  for  everyone  (some  do  this  already)  to
indicate  their  location either in the header element or signature of
their  messages?   Some  message  origins  belie  the  sender's   true
location.  (After my smart-alerk remark about Boston accents to REM of
MIT-MC's remark about Valley Girls, I found out that REM is  nearly  a
neighbor here in California).

5.  For  those  interested  in  Phil  Karn's  explanation  of  orbital
elements.  The inclination as determined by launch azimuth is obtained
quite simply:  i  =  arcos  (cos(lat)*sin(az)),  with  lat  being  the
latitude  of  the launch site and az being the launch azimuth (north =
0, east = 90 etc).  If you  happen  to  know  the  dimensions  of  the
ellipse  but  not  the  mean  motion,  you  can backtrack via period =
sqrt((a/178.77)**3) where a is the semi-major axis in nautical miles.
