[comp.sys.apple2] 65816 vs 68000

tm@polari.UUCP (Toshi Morita) (05/07/90)

lyle@netcom.UUCP (Lyle Fong) writes:

>I have a question for all you Apple II users who use Unix systems..
>What Term program do you use to connect with these systems?

Proterm 2.1. But someone needs to tell Greggie that the left-arrow shouldn't
output <esc>]D in VT100 emulation mode just because <esc>]D happens to move the
cursor left in VT100 mode - the host system is supposed to receive $08 and echo

chen@glycine.cs.unc.edu (Super Dave) writes:

>I don't want to be Mr. Nit-Pick, but a 2.8 Mhz machine could easily
>beat the pants off a 8 Mhz machine.  Compare Sun's SPARC vs. Intel's

(excess verbiage deleted)

A 2.8 Mhz machine could beat an 8 Mhz machine, but the Apple //gs doesn't
"beat" a Mac, really...

Consider: To reach the end of a singly-linked list:

        MX      %00

:loop   ldy     #0              ;  2 cycles
        lda     [pntr],y        ;  6 cycles (?)
        tax                     ;  2 cycles
        ldy     #2              ;  2 cycles
        lda     [pntr],y        ;  6 cycles (?)
        sta     pntr+2          ;  3 cycles
        stx     pntr            ;  3 cycles
        ora     pntr            ;  3 cycles
        bne     :loop           ;  3 cycles
        rts                     ; 30 cycles or about 10,000 nanoseconds
                                ;                     @ 2.8 Mhz


.loop   move.l  (a0),d0         ;  8 cycles (?)
        move.l  d0,a0           ;  2 cycles
        bne.s   .loop           ;  5 cycles (?)

.finis  rts                     ;  15 cycles or about 1,875 nanoseconds
                                ;                     @ 8 Mhz

Sorry about being so vague with cycle counts - my hardware stuff is at work and
not here at home, but hopefully you get the point. The 68000 code is shorter
(it handles 16 & 32 bit values easily) and faster.

BTW I've been doing 6502 programming for five years, 65816 programming for two
years and 68000 for about a year. I have both an Apple //gs (purchased in 1987)
and an Amiga (purchased in 1989).
