(Stephen Brown) (05/31/90)
I had heard good things about the journal II Technical. I phoned their number and got an answering machine that didn't sound too much like II Technical. Has their number/address changed (9472 Magnolia Ave, Riverside CA 714-359-8480) or have they gone the way of the do-do bird? On the subject of Apple II literature, I am interested in what people think are good publications, preferably with a wide range of material. Now that Call-Apple is gone, I don't know what takes its place. I currently get A2Central, the Maple Orchard (a usergroup newsletter) and have just subscribed to GS+ (the cheque's in the mail... really) What else is there? Thanks, in advance, Stephen Brown, Willowdale, Ontario, CANADA UUCP: crash!pro-generic!sb ARPA: crash!pro-generic! INET: