(Robert MacAusland) (06/02/90)
Does anyone have the SSmith song JCD.MEGABLASTER? I know it's available on AOL, but of course we here in Canada aren't privy enough to have access to the aformentioned, so I have to resort to groveling on the net :-) Btw, does anyone have any info on Synth Lab? Is it supposed to incorporate the new sound tools? -- /* Robert MacAusland -> */ (Todd P. Whitesel) (06/02/90) (Robert MacAusland) writes: >Does anyone have the SSmith song JCD.MEGABLASTER? I know it's available >on AOL, but of course we here in Canada aren't privy enough to have access >to the aformentioned, so I have to resort to groveling on the net :-) Sorry for making you wait. I'll be posting it to comp.binaries.apple2 sometime tonight. >Btw, does anyone have any info on Synth Lab? Is it supposed to incorporate >the new sound tools? Synth Lab is the program they hacked up to DEMO the new sound tools. I want it. However, I think it is only available through APDA at this point. I wonder if they will release a demo copy for public distribution? Wish they would. Todd Whitesel toddpw @