ckirie@csg.UWaterloo.CA (Chris Irie) (06/15/90)
Hi. I am trying to do a screen capture on a GS. I'd like the output to be a MacPaint file (or something vaguely similar) because the screen capture is going to be put into a Mac document. Any idea how I do this? (ie. what software do I need to do the capturing?) Thank-you for your time... -- Chris Irie (
throoph@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (Henry Throop) (06/16/90)
In article <> ckirie@csg.UWaterloo.CA (Chris Irie) writes: > >Hi. I am trying to do a screen capture on a GS. I'd like the output >to be a MacPaint file (or something vaguely similar) because the >screen capture is going to be put into a Mac document. > >Any idea how I do this? (ie. what software do I need to do the capturing?) Real easy to do. There are a couple of CDAs and INITs available to save the screen; you should be able to ftp them from one of the ftp sites. Alternatively, to you do it from BASIC: - Get picture on screen and reboot under ProDOS 8 to BASIC.SYSTEM. - Create a file to store the picture in (CREATE PIC, T$C1). - Pull the screen up on the screen (CALL -151, then C029: C1). - Move it down to bank 0 (00/1000<E1/2000.E1/9FFFM). - And save it (BSAVE PIC, T$C1, A$1000, L$7FFF). Note that this saves simply as a $C1 uncompressed image. If you need it in $C0 format, you can load the $C1 file with something like PW Gold and then resave it as Apple Preferred. > -- Chris Irie ( Henry --- Henry Throop Internet: