[comp.sys.apple2] no subject

marekp@contact.UUCP (Marek Pawlowski) (06/26/90)

Here's a routine for Unix that I whipped up (with a little help from my
friends).  You can be smary enough to figure it out.

#include <signal.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
struct sgttyb save_tty;
/* for timeout -- restore tty and exit */
    stty(0, &save_tty);

    struct sgttyb mytty;
    char c;

    gtty(0, &mytty);
    save_tty = mytty;
    mytty.sg_flags |= (RAW);
    stty(0, &mytty);
    alarm(5);  /* time out after 5 seconds */

    /* get 1 character and output it */
    read(0, &c, 1);  
    write(1, &c, 1);  

    /* Restore the tty settings */
    stty(0, &save_tty);
Also, if anyone in PA, knows good Apple dealers (around Scranton preferably),
could you mail me as soon and QUICKLY as possible, with maybe a phone number,
and address?  I'm going there in a few days, and want to do some Hardware
shopping..  Thanks..