Boebert.SCOMP@MIT-MULTICS@sri-unix (11/26/82)
When in the Air Force I received an extensive set of briefings on Gemini (I was part of a group being recruited to be MOL controllers). I distinctly remember one film which purported to show a spacewalking astronaut temporarily without a glove. I was amazed, being full of the 50's SF doctrine that this sort of thing made you go blooie. Anybody have more info on this incident?
DLENAHAN@USC-ISIE@sri-unix (11/27/82)
From: Den Lenahan <DLENAHAN at USC-ISIE> One bit of information in support of the lost glove on the Gemini flight (Boebert's msg): one of the "gee whiz" pieces of information briefed in the [then] Space Defense Center in Cheyenne Mountain, to the evening public tour groups, was that the Center was responsible for tracking all manmade objects in space, "including a dropped camera and an astronaut's glove." This would seem to imply that the glove was lost on a spacewalk. It'd be hard to lose one of those things out an open window! Dennis -------