[comp.sys.apple2] mail archive, final call...

cwilson@NISC.SRI.COM (Chan Wilson) (07/07/90)

I've had 3 requests for a mail based apple2 archive.  Unless I hear
a bit more interest, it's not going to happen soon.. (if at all..)

    Chan Wilson -- cwilson@nisc.sri.com <!> I don't speak for SRI.
Janitor/Architect of comp.binaries.apple2 archive on wuarchive.wustl.edu
			      "a2fx it!"

kwansl@hpsgm2.sgp.hp.com (Kwan Siew Leong) (07/09/90)

Great idea!  you've my total support.  This is especially
true for people like me, who can't ftp out to those
archive site.

kwan siew leong