weems.umass-coins@UDel-Relay@sri-unix (11/30/82)
From: Charles Weems <weems.umass-coins@UDel-Relay> This latest sequence of notes seems to have split into the questions of "What would really happen to an unprotected human in a sudden depressurization?" and "Why do spacesuits need to be so bulky?". I thought I'd throw in my two cents worth on each of these subjects. First, what would happen in a depressurization? Someone asked if any experiments had been done. The answer is, unfortunately yes. According one of my biologist friends, some German scientists conducted a series of low pressure experiments on prisoners from the concentration camps during WW2. These were slow depressurizations. The results weren't pleasant. Let's assume that you're in a spacecraft, breathing pure oxygen at about 6psi. (The effects are only worse if the pressure is higher or the gas mix isn't pure O2.) Lets also assume that the loss of pressure isn't instan- taneous but is still fairly rapid -- say it takes 15 seconds to reach zero. Then start timing. One thing that will happen is that the gas trapped in the lungs will try to expand. If you hold your breath (which isn't hard, we can easily lock up quite a bit more lung pressure than is good for us), the pressure will force your diaphragm down, displacing your viscera. (remember, your diaphragm is used to expanding your lungs). At some point the lungs would rupture, causing severe internal bleeding. This could be compensated for by some sort of corset or other pressure garment around the torso. (But we're assuming you're just wearing you're overalls.) The other alternative is to release the gas pressure from the lungs as quickly as possible, but in a controlled manner. If you didn't panic and had practiced doing this, it wouldn't be too hard (your lungs won't burst instantly, and besides, we're assuming that the pressure doesn't reach zero all that fast). You would need to get the lung pressure down to about 2psi to be manageable by your diaphragm. At this point the gas mix becomes important since a normal atmosphere mix at 4psi is about as low as you can go without reversing the direction of oxygen transfer across the membrane in your lungs. With pure oxygen, 2psi should keep it going the right way. (Although other things will start to happen, but we'll get to that in a bit.) It will also be important for you to widely open your mouth to clear the pressure from your eustachian tubes and inner ear. If you have a slightly stuffed up head, too bad, your eardrums will burst. Almost immediately, your nose will start to bleed -- the vessels in your nasal lining are very sensitive to pressure differentials. Other thin membranes will also start to bleed very quickly. These include your lips and mouth lining (since you had to open your mouth), excretory tract linings and (in women) vaginal lining. Perhaps most disabling will be that the insides of your eyelids, tear ducts and even your eyeballs will start to bleed (all those little vessels that make your eyes look bloodshot will burst very quickly). You will also have problems with any gas in your digestive tract. This will expand or displace the viscera and cause severe cramps. (Although that will probably be among the least of your worries.) At 2psi the linings in your lungs will start to bleed but not massively (the higher the original pressure the greater the bleeding will be). Assuming that you don't pass out from the pain, or lose control, how long could you last? One limiting factor is how long you could remain conscious. Once you lose control and the pressure in your lungs escapes, they will hemorrhage massively and there will be no chance of reviving you. Considering various reflex reactions and the loss of blood to the brain due to embolisms, 15 seconds is a reasonable estimate. You would probably be severely impeded in any effort to restore the pressure after the first 10 seconds. Assuming you spend the first 5 seconds reacting and venting your lungs and eustachian tubes, that doesn't leave much time to act. Just for argument's sake, lets say that you were wearing a protective face mask and a corset, and that your exposed mucous membranes were also protected. How well would your skin act as a space suit? Not very well. The skin is less than one percent as permeable as the lining in your lungs, but that's still fairly permeable. Someone pointed out that when they go swimming, they come out thirsty because they don't absorb water. All this implies is that the skin is relatively impermeable to water (good thing too, or you'd drip all over an awful lot). Actually it's not even all that impermeable to water. For one thing it's covered with pores through which you sweat. It's also that permeability that makes your skin shrivel up when you keep it in water for a long time. It is very permeable to quite a number of things including a variety of carcinogenic solvents and most gases (your skin actually breathes to a small extent -- this helps make up for the fact that blood vessels don't run right at the surface). The real problem, however is that your skin is very elastic. Due to the large internal fluid pressures it would ballon up almost instantly. This is how the decrease in pressure is transferred through the skin at first. The pressure decrease results in the fluid pressure within the capillaries bursting them. This is further aided by bubbles of gas forming (disolved gasses in the fluids come out of solution) which block flow in the capillaries, thus causing local pressure increases which burst more capillaries. Thus soon after depressurization the small vessels near the skin's surface would begin to rupture due to the formation and expansion of bubbles of gases dissolved in the blood. (It should be noted here that this mechanism is the same one at work in the membrane bleeding discussed above. The vessels are simply much closer to the surface and more numerous in these areas. This is really what people mean when they refer to the boiling of body fluids in a vacuum. Although the fluids themselves will evaporate too, the process will not be quite as rapid due to surface effects. Note that it doesn't matter that the vessel walls can hold the fluid pressures under normal external pressure. For one thing that external pressure is a real help to them. They will expand when that pressure is removed. For another the vessel walls are also permeable to the disolved gases.) The vessel rupturing would proceed at a much slower rate than in the lungs, however it would still be very quick. In addition, there will be some genuine 'boiling' of body fluids, although it might be better to call this rapid evaporation. The combination of this with the sudden reduction in pressure in tissue near the surface will lead to rapid and intense cooling. At some point fairly early on, some of that tissue will actually freeze. This will block flow in the deeper vessels and cause some rupturing there. Even the frozen fluids would continue to evaporate through sublimation. To an observer, you would first appear to ballon up like a Macy's Parade baloon character, then a cloud of 'steam' would appear around you. The length of time that you could survive can be looked at two ways. There is the time, after which, the damage is too great to be repaired and death will inevitably occur though perhaps not for some time if pressure is restored. Then there is the time at which you would expire if no pressure restoration occured. The maximum time for recovery is somewhere in the range of 15 to 30 seconds. (Although with anything over 15 seconds, the quality of the recovery might be questionable.) The time at which death will occur is somewhere around 45 seconds. In both of these cases, the limiting factor has become the point at which embolisms stop the flow of blood to the brain. In an explosive decompression this can happen in as little as 5 seconds. The above figures assume that the pressure doesn't go to zero instantaneously, but at some nonetheless rapid rate (reaching zero in, say, about 15 seconds). Unconsciousness would occur within a second or two after blood flow to the brain stopped (the neurons sense and react to this very quickly) and death would follow very soon after. Hence, although Dave in the 2001 scenario might have survived (the suit he had on would have been a great help) he would not have come out of the air lock fit and trim and ready to tear HAL apart. Because of his missing helmet, he would have probably lost his vision due to vessel breakage in his retina his eardrums would have ruptured (and bled) and he would have had a really bad nosebleed, bleeding lips and mouth (and his hair would have been pretty messed up too). Not a pretty sight. OK, lets assume you're wearing some skin tight elastic suit that covers your body and seals cleanly with a face mask, but is permeable to gasses. This prevents your internal pressure from ballooning your body. Now how long? Still not very long. Again, the gas permeability will allow the gasses near the surface to come out of solution. This will transfer the pressure drop inside fairly quickly (albeit not quite as quickly) and cause bubbles to form in the blood which will eventually cut off the flow to the brain. Since the whole body is involved, these build up very rapidly. Perhaps this would push the times to about 30 seconds to recover and 60 seconds until death. The cooling will also occur in this case, so a case of nearly total frostbite might also result. I doubt that anyone could survive such a condition even if the pressure was restored quickly. Note, however, that exposing a small part of the body, sufficiently far from the brain (as the blood flows), wouldn't necessarily be fatal. The embolisms would tend to disperse before they reached the brain. The exposed area would probably be severely injured but (if the exposure wasn't too long) might actually recover with proper treatment. Now, there are several reasons why current space suits are gas pressured and so bulky. First of all, gas pressured suits are more comfortable. The circulating gasses help remove perspiration and the various waste products in it. (some of the components of perspiration are actually toxic) If we had a gas impermeable skinsuit, it would have to be permeable to perspiration and all of its toxic components. If it were, then evaporative cooling would become a problem and require additional heating energy to compensate. (Except when you were in direct sunlight, when it would still not be sufficient to cool you.) Another problem is that an evaporative system like this would pollute the vacuum around the spacecraft. This wouldn't be a permanent condition, but it would prevent such things as infrared telescope work while anyone was doing an EVA. Without the evaporation, all that's needed to keep the astronaut warm is a good layer of insulation. In fact the current suits don't have any heating systems -- they (like the shuttle) only need to provide for cooling. The astronaut provides more than enough heat when well insulated. Another comfort factor is that the pressured suit isn't skin tight. Imagine trying to work for any length of time with tight elastic wrapped all around your body -- it just isn't going to stretch in all of the directions you need to move in. (If it did, it wouldn't keep you from expanding.) Hence you'll get fatigued fairly quickly. The gas pressured suit on the other hand may be a little stiff, but you can move it just about as easily in any direction -- and it's not going to have all of that skin friction and elastic resistance to muscle flexure and skin movement. Lets assume too that you could make this thing with built in insulation, cooling and a non-stick internal surface (except in the gloves and other places where some internal skin friction is needed). (This kind of thing gives materials science people nightmares, by the way.) We still have to remember that we'll doing work in this thing for long periods on EVA. Thus it will be necessary to have extra wear protection in areas that rub together (such as armpits, crotch, insides of joints, etc.). Unfortunately these also happen to be areas of maximum perspiration and will need more permeability. It would be nice too to have several layers of back-up pressure holding material or perhaps just a fast puncture sealing property in the skinsuit. It would also be nice to have something that stopped some of the radiation -- a foil of any dense material would do to stop the low energy alpha particles. Finally the skinsuit material would have to be amenable to shaping or to cutting and joining in a gas tight manner (and with no weakness at the seams). The current space suits accomplish all of this by using several layers of different materials, combined with a gas pressurization and circulation system. Even if a miracle skinsuit fabric was developed, it's unlikely that it would be used because it still doesn't provide air for the skin to 'breathe'. As mentioned above, the skin actually breathes to compensate for the fact that blood vessels don't run right on the surface. Although it wouldn't kill you to have the skin sealed off for a fairly long period, it would get rather uncomfortable on any long EVA's. The conclusions we can draw from all of this are: The skin makes a very poor spacesuit and even in the best of conditions couldn't keep you alive for more than a minute. The materials do not yet exist to make a non-gas-pressurized suit that would be practical for long periods. It would be possible to make such a suit for short EVA's or emergency use, but it would probably be even more difficult to put on, and too uncomfortable to wear continuously as a safety backup. chip weems weems.umass-coins@udel-relay