[comp.sys.apple2] Unidisk 3.5" boot from a ][+

frankl@xrtll.uucp (Frank Lemire) (07/28/90)

  I have a (real) Apple Unidisk 3.5, and I also have the unidisk controller 
card. now my problem is, that no matter where I put my two drive controller
cards (I have two 5.25s) my ][+ ALWAYS boots from the 5.25.
  I've fixed this for the time being just by formatting the 5.25" with a
DOS 3.3 disk and just having the hello program boot slot #5 (my 3.5)
  Can anyone suggest what I could do to fix this problem and have my ][+ 
boot the 3.5 first?
zippo@contact.uucp   -- or --  frankl@xrtll.uucp 
._o        --  Frank Lemire [zippo] --     zippo@contact.uucp [PREF]
  |>       --    Toronto, Canada    --     frankl@xrtll.uucp
  4        ---------------------------  !uunet.uu.net!contact!zippo

dlyons@Apple.COM (David A. Lyons) (07/30/90)

In article <1990Jul28.065320.8921@xrtll.uucp> frankl@xrtll.uucp (Frank Lemire) writes:
>I have a (real) Apple Unidisk 3.5, and I also have the unidisk controller 
>card. now my problem is, that no matter where I put my two drive controller
>cards (I have two 5.25s) my ][+ ALWAYS boots from the 5.25.
>I've fixed this for the time being just by formatting the 5.25" with a
>DOS 3.3 disk and just having the hello program boot slot #5 (my 3.5)
>Can anyone suggest what I could do to fix this problem and have my ][+ 
>boot the 3.5 first?

Your solution sounds pretty reasonable already.  Short of re-burining
your II+ monitor ROM, I don't have a better answer.

There is a reason machines before the enhanced IIe don't automatically
boot from SmartPort devices--I don't remember the details right now, but
it's in a ProDOS 8 Technical Note or Apple II Miscellaneous TN somewhere.

I believe it had to do with Apple II UCSD Pascal getting confused, thinking
anything that looked just like a bootable 5.25 controller card must
actually *be* one, so one of the ID bytes on the UniDisk card is different.
ROMs in the enhanced IIe and later no longer check that last ID byte.
David A. Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.      |   DAL Systems
Apple II Developer Technical Support      |   P.O. Box 875
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Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons
My opinions are my own, not Apple's.