[comp.sys.apple2] Comments regarding GS's <---> Appleshare networks?

curfman@agora.uucp (Matthew Curfman) (07/26/90)

A friend of mine that is an administrator of a Appleshare network at a local
middle school is now required to attach 25 Apple IIgs's to the network.
Has anyone on the net had any experience with putting GS's on the network?
We would be interested on difficulty of setting up the software on the
fileserver, and any additional speed decrease above and beyond the normal
decrease adding machines would have on the network.  

Any comments?

|                                       |                                     |
|  Matt Curfman                         |  My opinions may not reflect the    |
|  curfman@agora.hf.intel.com           |  opinions of Technovelty, Inc.,     |
|  curfmanm@prism.cs.orst.edu           |  Intel Corp., or Oregon State Univ. |
|                                                                             |
| Celibacy is not hereditary- author unknown                                  |

jm7e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jeremy G. Mereness) (07/28/90)

It's not hard. There is a disk that comes with system 5.0 for the GS,
however, that you will need. It is a Macintosh disk containing a
driver to allow the AppleShare Mac to do its thing correctly. Once its
done, all you have to do is turn on Apple // Admin (I believe it is a
checkbox) and then proceed normally. Especially considering you are
using GS's and not older //'s, there is little else you need to do
except create a few extra users, such as one to contain GS binaries. 

Things get tricky when you want to BOOT the GS's off the network, but
all this is possible too. Once Apple // Admin is activated on the Mac,
there will appear a new pull-down menu named "Apple //" for you to use
in setting up files for Apple //'s to BOOT from. 

You have to make sure that the GS's have the proper client software,
or atleast one copy. The system disk and utilities disk for system
5.0.2 are all you need. The installer contains the routines to set up
your system. Remember, some options for installation are for machine
to BOOT off the network, so watch out. 

The best docs I ever say on this kind of thing was from Open-Apple way
back when 5.0 was a new thing. 

Once things are up and running, things work pretty much without
problems, much to Apple's credit. 

|Jeremy Mereness                  |   Support     | Ye Olde Disclaimer:    |
|jm7e+@andrew.cmu.edu (internet)  |     Free      |  The above represent my|
|a700jm7e@cmccvb (Vax... bitnet)  |      Software |  opinions, alone.      |
|staff/student@Carnegie Mellon U. |               |  Ya Gotta Love It.     |

TSEMM@ALASKA.BITNET ("Ed 'Apple Guru' Moore") (07/28/90)

Well, I try to half mangage one with 12 apple IIGS's running appleworks
2.0 or so (When will network 3.0 be annonced?)  I wasn't there when it was
put in, though...My system is on P-16 lancher (rather that GS/OS)
because he "WONT" update it..The main problem I've incoundered (besides
fidilying with the control panel) is the delay for printing...If
it getts busy..expect to wait for minutes (maybe speed was improved
with 5.0.2, but I wouldn't know...).  Usually they will fiddle wiht the
printer and lock up the machine, confuse the fileserver....
I run a HS lab with 12 GS" and possibly 4 mac's coming...

If you need any help...let me know..though I am lacking all manuals
and such..

mmunz@pro-beagle.cts.com (Mark Munz) (08/01/90)

In-Reply-To: message from TSEMM@ALASKA.BITNET

>>Well, I try to half mangage one with 12 apple IIGS's running appleworks
>>2.0 or so (When will network 3.0 be annonced?)  

I believe Claris did announce the network 3.0 version recently.