[comp.sys.apple2] Problem with Applesoft sending data to modem on a //c

twong@CIVIL.UBC.CA (Thomas Wong) (08/01/90)

Hello. Has anyone had any experience writing Applesoft codes on a
//c to write to the modem? I'm having absolutely no luck.
I'm assuming that the card in a //c is a Super Serial Card and so
I borrowed a copy of a SSC manual (//c don't come with a SSC manual)
And followed everything as described. (ie. start all PRINTs with a
CHR$(1), Ctrl-A, then the SSC commands) I've even typed in the
sample program from the manual and it hangs. In fact, it always hang 
after the PR#2 line which leads me to suspect that the //c's serial 
port is no SSC compatible. Here is the sample program:

40 D$ = CHR$(4)
42 A$ = CHR$(1)
50 PRINT D$;"PR#2": REM SSC is in slot #2
52 PRINT A$;"6 BAUD": REM 300 baud
54 PRINT A$;"1 DATA": REM 7 bit 1 stop bit
56 PRINT A$;"0 PARITY": REM No parity
60 PRINT A$;"3 SLOTCHN": REM Chain to 80 col card
62 PRINT A$;"TERM MODE": REM Enter Terminal mode
70 REM Exit with Ctrl-A Q
110 PRINT A$;"RESET": REM Reset switch-selected options
120 END

It dies after line 50 anyways (no matter what is after line 50)
so the bulk of the code is meaningless. Has anyone done this before?

This was supposed to be a weekend job. I just wanted a hack job.
My house has pulse dial lines/phones and I can't access the tone dial
phone services. So I wanted to hack out a program which asks for a
phone number, then automatically catenates ATDP to the beginning of the
string and a semicolon after and dump it to the modem to dial.
Then wait for user input and dump them to the modem beginning with
ATDT from then on. There are more details here and there but that's
the basic idea. But so far, it's taken a week. 

Thank you in advance.


   /*   Thomas Y. K. Wong     INTERNET:   thomas_wong@civil.ubc.ca         */
  /*   Civil Eng., U.B.C     BITNET:   thomas_wong%civil.ubc.ca@ubcmtsg   */
 /*   Van, B.C., Canada    UUCP:   ...!van-bc!civil.ubc.ca!thomas_wong   */

twong@CIVIL.UBC.CA (Thomas Wong) (08/01/90)

Some additional misc info on my problem.
TRACE doesn't work for some reason. With TRACE, it goes through all
lines and nothing happens but gets back to DOS.

I've tried some other simpler programs like:

10 D$ = CHR$(4)
20 PRINT D$;"PR#2"
30 PRINT D$;"ATDP2222222"


10 A$ = CHR$(1) : D$ = CHR$(4)
20 PRINT D$;"PR#2"
30 PRINT A$;"ATDP2222222"

Same thing, nothing, keyboard hangs, have to do a Ctrl-Reset to get out.

Thanks again for all help.


   /*   Thomas Y. K. Wong     INTERNET:   thomas_wong@civil.ubc.ca         */
  /*   Civil Eng., U.B.C     BITNET:   thomas_wong%civil.ubc.ca@ubcmtsg   */
 /*   Van, B.C., Canada    UUCP:   ...!van-bc!civil.ubc.ca!thomas_wong   */

twong@CIVIL.UBC.CA (Thomas Wong) (08/01/90)

To answer the question on whether my modem/SSC is working,
yes, it works fine. I have been using Kermit to call the Sun
and mainframe at work from home for the past few years.
And I have been calling local BBSs way before that.
Does anyone know if the //c have a special configuration of a SSC?
Has anyone had any experience with communication programs
(like Kermit) and know what special things are in the code
to make it work on a //c? Thanks again.


   /*   Thomas Y. K. Wong     INTERNET:   thomas_wong@civil.ubc.ca         */
  /*   Civil Eng., U.B.C     BITNET:   thomas_wong%civil.ubc.ca@ubcmtsg   */
 /*   Van, B.C., Canada    UUCP:   ...!van-bc!civil.ubc.ca!thomas_wong   */

twong@CIVIL.UBC.CA (Thomas Wong) (08/02/90)

Yes, I've tried

10 PRINT CHR$(4);"PR#2"
20 PRINT "ATDP1234567"

before. The TR (Terminal Ready) LED goes on in the modem after
the PR#2 line but no SD (Send Data) or RD (Receive Data) from
the PRINT statement (ie. nothing going to the modem),
hence it dies after the PR#2 line. Thanks anyways.
