[comp.sys.apple2] Apple //c & hard drives

mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com (Mike Ungerman) (08/03/90)

In-Reply-To: message from guillaum@shiva.trl.oz

Since you have an "old" //c, your motherboard won't support a 3.5 drive. A
recent mod updates the //c to allow 3.5's. But you can get a 20 or 40 meg hard
drive from Chinook Technologies that just plugs into the disk port in the back
of the //c.  It's slower than a normal hard drive, but faster than a floppy.

I keep hearing of an internal hard drive under development by Applied
Inginuity...vaporware for now...
Mike Ungerman                      |Proline:mikeu@pro-magic
Pro-Magic BBS: 407-366-0156        |uucp:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud 24hrs      |arpa:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu@nosc.mil
Apple Tree of Central Florida, Inc |Internet:mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com
Orlando, Florida|Voice:407-366-0060|Compuserve:71326,31 Prodigy: JSNP58A