[comp.sys.apple2] Davong Hard Drive Help Wanted

mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com (Mike Ungerman) (08/04/90)

I have a Davong hard drive, circa 1982, that I am trying to figure out how to
interface to an Apple IIe.  I have an Apple II UDS interface card that takes a
40 pin connector.  The back of the Davong has three different data jacks: a 25
pin connector (labeled "Drive Data Connector"), a 37 pin connector (labeled
"Drive Control Connector") and a 50 pin connector (labeled "Adapter Interface

The instructions that came with the drive talk about connection to an IBM
computer through the 50 pin connector. However, the Apple interface card is
for the drive and appears to connect either through the 37 pin or 25 pin
connectors to the drive.  Looking inside, the 50 pin connector goes directly
to the drive, which has the usual IBM/MFM type data and control edge
connectors.  The 25 pin and 37 pin connectors go to different places on an
interface card.  The cable that connects to the 50 pin connector and the
internal drive also goes to this interface card in parallel, so I assume
that's where it picks up its signals from the other interface possiblities.

Making a long story short, I could have several cables made up, but am looking
to see if I should go from the Apple 40 pin interface to either the 25 or 37
pin connectors.

Anyone remember this drive and how it is hooked up?  Davong is apparently out
of business, but does anyone have any contacts with anyone who used to work
with them or work on their systems that could help?

If we have to "cut our losses" we may just go the Megaboard route and get
Perlin's interface and go directly to the bare drive inside, but we'd like to
give the Apple interface a chance.
Mike Ungerman                      |Proline:mikeu@pro-magic
Pro-Magic BBS: 407-366-0156        |uucp:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud 24hrs      |arpa:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu@nosc.mil
Apple Tree of Central Florida, Inc |Internet:mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com
Orlando, Florida|Voice:407-366-0060|Compuserve:71326,31 Prodigy: JSNP58A