RREED@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu (08/09/90)
I am looking for just about any information on the Apple ///. I was given one about 1 year or so ago. It worked for a while, then I think the power supply went south. I'm specifically looking for information on spare parts, used CHEAP hardware (wouldn't mind getting an old ProFile running on it), and software (looking for a good implemention of VT100/VT52/ANSI with any transfer protocol). Please email all responses unless you think it would be of interest to other netters of course! Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Reginald Reed -- Struggling Computer Science Student -- Does Bo Know Comp Sci?? BITNET=+> rreed@ucf1vm INTERNET=+> rreed@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu