[comp.sys.apple2] Apple IIGS Disappearing Windows

carnahan@inljeff.den.mmc.com (Rich Carnahan) (08/09/90)

I have what I believe to be a rather intriguing problem.

Last night my eight year old and I had just finished a rousing
session of Carmen San Diego - USA (a terrific program), and were
in the process of closing windows on the IIGS prior to shutting 
down.  Three windows were open on the desktop: (1) Carmen folder,
(2) my son's folder, and (3) the hard disk window (I have a 20MB
Apple HD).

I closed the Carmen folder and my son's folder proceeded to close
as well.  I then closed the HD window and much to my amazement and
dismay, I was not, and still am not, able to open any windows on 
the HD.  I rebooted several times and even installed a new set of
System 5.0.2 (I was already using the latest system S/W).  Nothing
seems to work.  The system recognizes the HD (the icon shows up), 
and I can access files on the HD via NDAs.  I've run both the 
validation and verification programs and everything seems to check
out OK.  When I try to open the HD, the menu bar changes appropriately
and I can change menu items, however, no windows open.  My 3.5" floppy
reads disks fine and I can open windows from that drive.  The trash
can opens appropriately.

By way of system background information, I have had my IIGS for one
year.  It is a ROM 01 machine with 1.75MB Ram (AE GSRAM), an AE Transwarp
card, and a 20MB HD.  Until now, I have never had any trouble with
the machine.

I would appreciate any and all advice you might be able to give
concerning this rather puzzling state of affairs.




--------------> rich <-------------- (carnahan@inljeff.den.mmc.com)

Martin Marietta Information Systems Group 
Box 1260                                 
MS XL8058                               
Denver, Colorado 80201-1260            
(303) 971-7981                       

toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (08/10/90)

carnahan@inljeff.den.mmc.com (Rich Carnahan) writes:

>I have what I believe to be a rather intriguing problem.

[ symptoms and patient system description deleted ]

From the evidence you've gathered, it sounds like the Finder.Root and
Finder.Data files in the root directory of your hard drive are toasted.
You may have to use a Prodos 8 file utility to delete them.

Once you've done that, and you try to open the hard drive, Finder will think
that you've never opened a window in the root directory before and will create
a 'default' window layout for it.

Hope this either solves the problem or gives you more to go on...

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu


>I was not, and still am not, able to open any windows on the HD.

The only thing I can imagine is that the Finder.root or Finder.data file(s)
is/are messed up and for some reason, the info. in those files is telling
the desktop that your HD window is located somewhere off the visible
desktop.  Why this would happen, I don't know, nor do I know even IF that's
what happened.  I would imagine that it should be self correcting if that
ever happens.  Anyway, I would try using some program, such as copy ][+, FID
or whatever kind of disk utillities you may have and delete the files
FINDER.ROOT and FINDER.DATA from the root directory, then go back to the
desktop and try opening the HD again.