"Mike's" observation about how slow /RAM5 is in comparison to a well-tuned SCSI DMA disk prompted me to make another experiment. I have been automatically assuming it made sense to load my WordPerfect dictionary into /RAM5 before I do any spell checking on big documents. Surprise -- it doesn't make that much difference. Checking a 1500 word document took 68 seconds with the dictionary in /RAM5 -- with it on my CMS 60Meg drive it took 100 seconds -- of course I have no idea how much of WordPerfect that is reflecting, but I thought it interesting. (With the TWGS in normal speed there is even less difference: 137 sec with the dict in /RAM5, 171 with it on the HD.) There is one thing I don't understand, however: the ProSel timing measurements for the access times of /RAM5 aren't affected by whether the TWGS is in Transwarp or normal ("fast") speed.