JDA@CU.NIH.GOV ("Doug Ashbrook") (08/15/90)
Three or four months ago I remember many folks on this network stating that they were going to send a "donation" to Andy Nicholas when GS-ShrinkIt was released. Although I never publicly stated it, I vowed that I too would send him a donation for all of his work. Well, last night I finally got around to writing Andy a check. I have been using GS-ShrinkIt since it was distributed by the APPLE2-L listserver and was using ShrinkIt for many months before that. Since these are among my most frequently used programs, I felt that it was only fair to acknowledge my appreciation to Andy. I hope that Andy continues to create quality programs for the Apple // computers and I hope that others on the net will be moved to make whatever contribution they can. I challenge my network friends to put their money where there mouths were :-O ==================================================================== J. Douglas Ashbrook (301) 496-5181 INTERNET: JDA@CU.NIH.GOV BITNET: JDA@NIHCU National Institutes of Health, Computer Center, Bethesda, MD 20892