[comp.sys.apple2] Standard File Mgr SFPutFile2 call request for help

kgreen@pro-angmar.UUCP (Kevin Green) (08/21/90)

Could some kind soul who has experience using Orca/Pascal, and the Standard File Manager under GS/OS 5.02 please help me? I've been attempting to get the information placed in the PathReply record into a pathname form that I can use with GS/OS calls. I've had no luck at all. Below is the code UNIT that I am currently working with. I wouldn't have put this on the network if I wasn't completely stumped and hadn't already tried everything I could think of. Thanks in advance for any advice given.

{$keep '/Lucifer/Orca/Pathtrack.dir/pfile'}
unit PathFile;


USES {....common,dialogmgr,gsos,etc}

 {$LibPrefix '0/'}
 PGlobal,PDialog; {other previously compiled units}

 procedure NewEvent;


 procedure NewEvent;

  var PathReply: replyRecord5_0;        {Standard File Mgr record structure}
      {replyRecord5_0 definition is as follows:

       type PathReply = record
        good: boolean;
        fileType: integer;
        auxFileType: longint; 
        nameVerb: integer;     (corresponds to nameRefDesc in SFmgr APDA dox)
        nameRef: longint;
        pathVerb: integer;     (corresponds to pathRefDesc in SFmgr APDA dox)
        pathRef: longint;
       end;                                                       }

      StoreFile: gsosString;            {record holding user-input filename}
      StorePath: gsosString;            {record holding file creation pathname}
      CreateFile: createOSDCB;          {record holding file creation params}

   StoreFile.size:= 6;
   StoreFile.theString:= 'Myfile';      

              @' Save catalog list as...',


end.                                            {unit}

Kevin S. Green  566 Washington St. #2 Brighton,MA,USA 02135
BIX: Keving     America Online: Gargoth         Proline: Kgreen@Pro-Angmar