[net.space] [development] and the current arguments

REM@MIT-MC (12/09/82)

From: Robert Elton Maas <REM at MIT-MC>
    Date: 7 Dec 1982 22:49:14-EST
    From: csin!cjh at CCA-UNIX
    I consider the whole space-colonization scenario highly
    improbable. ... [Re Europeans settling the New World after
    Columbus] it was feasible for almost any set of fools to hire a
    ship and set out. \That/ is the unpredictable breakthrough that
    will hold up colonization.
Good point. To everybody: what can we do to create a situation in space
analagous to the post-Columbus period, when everyone knew the New
World existed, that it was harsh and dangerous and risky but at least
it was possible to go there and set up camp if you were determined
enough and could raise the money for a ship and crew? Perhaps we
should set up space stations that hardy volunteers can inhabit, we
send them supplies enough to get by but they are expected to maintain
equipment and perform tasks for us and work toward food
self-sufficiency by raising plants on board using the sunlight that is
so abundant there? Or maybe we should just make travel to space
convenient and let volunteers create their own space station? Or
should we just sit by idly waiting for a miracle to occur? Opinions?