MAR21AA@TECHNION.BITNET (Uri Srebro) (09/05/90)
In repley to a post about digitizeing on the IIe: There used to be a program for the IIe named 'Sound Wizard' which let you recor d digitized sound through the casset port (among other things). You could then include the sounds you recorded in your own FP or ML programs using a provided routine. The quality was disgusting (compared to the GS :-) but useally underst andable when it came to speach. The program was writen by Gray Bond. I cannot recall the company's name, but th ey are probably dead for quite some time (The software was from '83 or so). If you somehow contact whoever is responcibell (sp?) for this software now and he says it's OK to copy it- tell me. NATHAN SREBRO HAIFA, ISRAEL MAR21AA @ TECHNION.BITNET * IF YOU USE AN APPLE II AND LIVE IN ISRAEL, E-MAIL ME ! IF YOU USE AN APPLE IIGS AND PLAN ON VISITING ISRAEL, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ! * --- PLEASE FOREGIVE MY BAD ENGLISH ---