[comp.sys.apple2] ProTERM can be forced to use interrupts and such

jeffn@nuchat.UUCP (Jeff Noxon) (09/09/90)

[ Lots of people complaining about lost characters, lack of ProTERM
  interrupt support ]

I've disassembled my PT.BIOS file and commented the whole thing out.  Mine
is configured for a Hayes 2400 and GS Modem Port.  I patched it up a bit to
work with my Telebit T2500 (actually, a 1 byte fix takes care of that) but
it is still losing characters in emulation, and goes nuts once in a while.

It seems to me that I could probably fix ProTERM up to use firmware instead
of accessing the modem the way it does.  It's got three main serial I/O
routines:  one which sends characters, one for "raw" (no scrollback, i.e.
transfers) reads, and one for text reads.  These routines are very short and
are polled to death.

I'm going to spend as much time as it takes tomorrow to make the stupid thing
work with GS firmware & interrupts.  I am afraid I will probably have to remove
the printer routines to grab enough space to do my modifications, however.
The driver is pretty tight right now.

The only drawback I can think of would be that ProTERM will probably be
slightly slower when using interrupts.  You'll also have to have Slot 2 set
to Modem Port for it to work.

If anyone is interested in seeing a patched driver, leave me some mail.  It
should work with any HC modem on a GS port.  I _hope_ it will stop the bizarre
emulation problems I have at 18kbps but not at 2.4kbps.

I'm using PT 2.2, by the way.

Jeff Noxon                      |"One should never leave floppy disks close
jeffn%nuchat.uucp@uhnix1.uh.edu | to one another.  Should this happen,
jeffn@nuchat.uucp               | 'imprinting' will occur, where the contents
713/721-6820 (CDT) Houston, TX  | of the two disks will be mixed up" -- Idiot