[comp.sys.apple2] software vs. softwares

lloyd@pro-grouch.cts.com (Lloyd Licht) (09/21/90)

Actually, I believe "software" is in itself a plural form.  I've never heard
the word software being used in a singular fassion unless used as "software
package".  Otherwise, you'd just say "program".

Oh well...the benefits of higher education (yeah...right).


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DANFUZZ@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Dan Bornstein) (09/21/90)

>From:         Lloyd Licht <lloyd@PRO-GROUCH.CTS.COM>
>Actually, I believe "software" is in itself a plural form.  I've never heard
>the word software being used in a singular fassion unless used as "software
>package".  Otherwise, you'd just say "program".
>Oh well...the benefits of higher education (yeah...right).

Actually... Most people seem to use "software" as a mass noun, in the
same way that "garbage" is used. (You don't say "I have one garbage"
or "He had 3 garbages" but rather "They had some garbage" or something
along those lines...) Not that this has anything to do with Apple IIs

Oh well...the benefits of being an undergrad in Cognitive/Linguistic


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